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Volume 2 (1); December 1980
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Public affairs reporting
Korean Society of Epidemiology
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):143-143.
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Board and staff listing
Korean Society of Epidemiology
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):142-142.
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List of membership
Korean Society of Epidemiology
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):139-141.
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Articles of association
Korean Society of Epidemiology
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):138-138.
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Epidemiologic terms
Korean Society of Epidemiology
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):135-137.
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Original Articles
An evaluation study on the Chunseong community health program
J.S Kim, Y.S Park, J.Y Park, M.H Chung, H.W Chung, J.W Kim, D.S Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):111-134.
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An evaluative research was carried out on Chunseong community health program by teaching staff and doctoral students taking the course “application of epidemiology in health service researches” 1980. The objectives of the study were to learn how to evaluate health programs through field practice, to make the results feed-back to the further program planning, and to provide an example of case study of evaluative research for the course. The Chunseong community health program has been established and maintained by the School of Public Health, Seoul National University from 1972 with three objectives, namely demonstration of a model for comprehensive rural community health program, field training of health related professionals (mainly students of public health, medical, dental, and nursing schools), and conduction of researches to support the program, Since the program objectives were neither subdivided to each level (ultimate, intermediate, and immediate) nor described underlying assumptions, there was no alternatives but using the face validity and consensual validity as evaluation criteria. The materials utilized for the study were the program records, research papers done in the program area, and several reports of the program published by the school. Also interview survey was conducted purposefully on students of public health school before and after the field practice, on patients visited the program medical clinic, on community leaders and randomly selected general population in order to evaluate the program in various aspects. The study scheme followed the principles of evaluation proposed by Suchman and Elton in terms of effort, performance, adequacy of performance, efficiency, and process. The evaluation of the Chunseong community health program yielded the conclusion that the program has been successful to achieve its objectives according to the conclusion that the program has been successful to achieve its objectives according to the results obtained and presented in the text.
A study on the interaction of liver fluke infection and oral contraceptives in Korean women
Sang In Kim, Joung Soon Kim, Ung Ik Kim, Han Ik Cho
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):97-110.
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A survey on two epidemics of diarrheal disease in a rural area of Korea
Hyun Sul Lim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):89-96.
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In July and August, 1980, two epidemics of dierrheal disease were occurred in a rural area of Korea. In order to characterize these epidemics epidemiologically, including causative agent and the mode of transmission, a field investigations were conducted during the out-breaks by household interview, collection and examination of specimens Obtained results and findings from these studies are summarized as follows; <The first example of epidemic> 1. Incidence rate in studied population was 34.4% for all population. Age specific incidence rate of 5-9 year age group, however, was extremely high as 80.0%. Incidence rate by sex was not significantly different. 2. These illnesses were clinically characterized by watery dierrhea(100.0%), mucoid diarrhea (90.9%), fever(72.7%), headache(54.5%), and chill(54.5%). 3. Shigella Sonnei was isolated by microbiological examination. 4. The mode of transmission was not clearly confirmed although the spring (1) was strongly suspected being common vehicle according to the result of the epidemiologic study. <The second example of epidemic> 1. Incidence rate for the studied population was 55.6%. Incidence rate of female was significantly higher (61.0%) than males Incidence rate by age was not significantly different. 2. These illnesses were clinically characterized by watery diarrhea (100.0%), tenesmus(60.0%), abdominal pain(47.5%), and mucoid diarrhea(40.0%). 3. Incidence rate was 66.0% in population using simple piped water supply system (1) only, but 26.3% in population using both simple piped water supply system (1) and (2). Therefore, simple piped water supply system (1) perhaps has played an important role in this epidemic as common vehicle. 4. Detailed mode of infection was not clearly identified.
Prevalence rate, incidence rate, case fatality ratio and death rate for stroke in Kang Wha county, 1976-1979
Il Soon Kim, Jong Ku Park, Hee Chull Oh
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):83-88.
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To identify magnitude and dynamicity of stroke incidence and death, a series of community based studies on stroke was conducted from 1976 to 1979 in Kang Wha Island. Because of poor coverage of quality medical care and poor death registry system of Korea the accurate, reliable death rate and causes of death are largely unknown. For instance the death rates so far reported in Korea due to stroke were varied from 26 to 221 per 100,000 population. This big variation was largely due to the incomplete death registration and unreliable diagnosis for causes of death in Korea. However, all the records have unanimously shown that the stroke death has been the most common cause of deaths in Korea. The Kang Wha County where Yonsei University has developed community health demonstration project since 1975 and where health information system is well established was chosen for this study. A prevalence survey was conducted as of May 1, 1979 and the incidence and death rates were computed with events occurred for the past 4years from 1976 to 1979. The diagnosis of stroke was made by two physicians with predetermined criteria. The prevalence rate for stroke was 272 per 100,000 population which is considered to be very low compare with that of other countries. The incidence rate for stroke was 254 and death rate 195 per 100,000. These rates are considered to be one of the highest in the world. The high incidence and death rates and low prevalence rate for stroke were caused by very high case fatality ratio which was 65.8%.
A review study on epidemiological characteristics of EI Tor cholera epidemics in Korea
Joung Ae Lee, Joung Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):53-81.
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El Tor Cholera epidemics have been reported 5 times in Korea since 1963(1963, 1964, 1969, 1970 and 1980). In order to determine the epidemiological patterns of the disease, 91 research papers were reviewed. The results summerized are as follows: 1) The incidence rate and the mortality rates were higher in old age group than those of young age group. Those rates of males were higher than those of females. 2) The fatality rates in recent epidemics have been lower than those of old ones. 3) The range of epidemic periods was 1-3 months. All the reported epidemics were spread nation wide besides the epidemic of 1964. The routes of transmission of the epidemics were not confirmed 4) The average duration of illness was 3-4 days, and the average duration of excretion of El Tor Cholera Vibrio was 3.3-6 days. 5) The causative organism of all epidemics was El Tor in biotype and ogawa in serotype, but that of the epidemic of 1980 was Inada in serotype. 6) Many problems in control measures and management of communicable disease were identified and discussed. It is recommended that the government concered with health of the people should be prepared to better manage communicable disease effectively.
A report on epidemiologic characteristics of 1980 cholera epidemic occurred in Korea
J.S Kim, H.K Chung, H.C Oh, W.H Cho, B.Y Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):43-52.
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Upon an outbreak of cholera in Jheonnam area, 1980, five members of the epidemiologic survey team were dispatched to the area by the Ministry of Health & Social Affaires in order to provide epidemiologic consultation to the local surveillance team for more effient control measures. This paper is prepared by the team based on the experiences obtained in the fields and data collected from the hospitalized patients, which is considered to be valuable to share with those responsible collegues for the future. The major findings summarized are as follows : 1. The epidemiologic characteristics of the 1980 cholera epidemic, for instance the patten of spread, clinical pictures, distribution of cases by age and sex, secondary attack rate, rate of inapparent infection, fatality rate, and incubation period, were quite similar to that of previous El Tor cholera epidemics. The only difference was that the serotype of this epidemic was Inaba instead of Ogawa type, which had been the only serotype for all the previous epidemics in Korea. 2. Many problems that hindered an efficient prevention of the spread were analysed and discussed in detail;problems involved in reporting system, follow-up management of reported cases, delayed financial support from the central government, out-dated epidemiolgic investigation, inconsistent policy for isolation and quarantine etc. 3. Recommendations to the government including the proposal that well trained epidemiologist should be posted to each institute of health and laboratory (Provinces and cities) were made.
An epidemiologic investigation of 1980 cholera epidemic with special emphasis on source and route of transmission in the area where the first case was notified
J.S Kim, B.U No, S.Y Ahn, J.A Lee, B.J Park, C.K Chang, J.K Doo, S.S Kim, J.G Yoo, J.S Choi
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):26-42.
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An epidemiologic investigation on cholera epidemic was conducted from October 2 through October 8, 1980, in order to determine the source and the route of transmission in An Jwa Myon of Sin An Kun where the first cholera case was notified officially at the end of August 1980. 875 persons out of 1,608 people inhabiting in five villages of An Jwa Myon where the primary case of cholera occurred within September 5, were interviewed for their activities including travel history, foods taken, attendence to group feeding, place of purchase for a subsidiary food materials, source of drinking water and other relevant information. Since a few evidences that cholera was imported to the area from Mok Po City were collected during the survey, medical records of 5 general hospitals of Mok Po were reviewed and 18 suspicious patients were traced for interview. Also the number of death occurred in Mok Po population during last three years by month was obtained from the registration. These data were analysed and compared with that of previous years for the same month to estimate an excess number of patients and death due to diarrhea suspicious of cholera. The study area An Jwa Myon is consisted of several islands, and ferry boats are the only mean of transportation between the islands and/or Mok Po City. The major industry of the islands for living is agriculture. Despite being islands there was no single member of crew engaged in foreign voyage. Daily goods are purchased and brought from Mok Po. General status of environmental sanitation, i. e., sewage, toilets, and kitchen is poor, and only limited number of households in one village are supplied with piped water. The socieconomic status is much lower than the Korean average. The results of the investigation provided several evidences that the cholera outbreak in these islands was not the primary site in Korea but rather imported from Mok Po in where unnoticed cholera epidemic had been going on discretely from the end of July throughout August 1980. The epidemiologic study indicated that the cholera was induced to the island from Mok po through raw sharks served in a memorial ceremony on August 27 and 28, which was spoiled. The outbreak was triggered by funeral food serving on August 30, 31, and September 1 to which almost all of adult population in the vicinity were exposed, and an half of the attendants got sick. The funeral was for one of eight victims who became sick after eating raw shark at the memorial ceremony, other one, relatively serious, was admitted to a hospital in Mok po, two were treated at local clinic, and the others were either treated at drug store or at home and all recovered but one who deceased. The sharks were presummed to be contaminated in Mok Po.
Special editions
Recommendations on efficient control measures of cholera to the government
Joung Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):23-25.
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Governmental policy for the prevention measures of cholera epidemic
Dal Sup Shim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):21-22.
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Efficiency of cholera vaccination
Il Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1980;2(1):18-20.
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Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health