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The Korean national tuberculosis control program reduced the prevalence rate of tuberculosis from 5.1% in 1965 to 2.5% in 1980, for which many people including the responsible policy makers tend to think the tuberculosis is no more health problem to deal with seriously, and there has been an argument whether the program should be continued futher or not. At this crucial point of time this study was carried out in an attempt to evaluate the tuberculosis control program in terms of effort, performance, adequacy of performance, efficiency and process by reviewing all the available literatures relevant to the control program, particularly the national tuberculosis prevalence survey data collected every five-year from the 1965. Despite the long term effort to control tuberculosis as a priority national intervention program tuberculosis is still major health problem in Korea; currently the deaths due to tuberculosis count about 15,000 per year ranking 4th among all causes of death and tuberculosis patients count about 852,000 when projected the prevalence rate 2.5% of 1980 to the total population. Moreover only 340,000 (40%) patients out of 850,000 estimated patients have been identified and under the treatment, and that among these identified patients less than half would complete the full course of the treatment until they become free from the disease. Thus in summary one fifth of the patients estimated achieved ultimate goal of the program. Taking the reduction trend of death and prevalence rate of tuberculosis during last 15 years into account, it may take around 20 years to reduce the prevalence rate to 1% or under 1% even when the control program in current scale goes on. From the results of the study it is concluded that reinforcement of the control program is indispensable, reinforced budgetary and legal input. Detailed data used for the evaluation are presented in tables and some strategies to increase the efficiency of the program are discussed.