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Special edition A review on some techniques to control the effects from confounding factor
Seung Wook Lee
Epidemiol Health 1990;12(1):9-23
DOI: https://doi.org/
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This paper is to review some methods available to control the effect from confounding factors when we conduct epidemiological studies. Basically, there are two approaches: 1) matching before data collection, and 2) statistical analysis after data collection. For matching, caliper matching, nearest available matching, stratified matching, frequency matching, and mean matching as univariate matching method are reviewed. Also, multivariate caliper matching, multivariate stratified matching, minimum distance matching, discriminant matching and linear adjustment matching as multivariate matching methods are explained. The standardization and stratification are introduced as methods for after-data-collection. Also various statistical techniques including log-linear method, logistic regression method, multiple regression method, and covariance analysis are illustrated for possible use in data analysis with confounding variables. Finally, analysis techniques for matched data with controls more than single are explained. We reviewed all theses techniques briefly, mainly on the logical meaning. Also, we reviewed the statistical techniques that will be used for analysis after the matched data are obtained.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health