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Smoking habits and several selected characteristics of male students of a medical college surveyed to examine the status of smoking habits of male medical students and obtain the baseline information for future antismoking education in medical collge. Two hundred and sixty five randomly selected students were asked to enter the answers on a structured simple questionnair that included personal characteristics and variables related to their smoking habits. Major findings obtained from the study are as follows: 1. Smoking rate of male medical students was 54.0%. Those who had experience of failing the entrance examination showed statistically significant higher smoking rate (60.0%) than others. 2. More than half (57.3%) of the smoking students started their smoking after age of 20.44% of smoking premed students had smoked for less than 1 year and 63.0% were smoking less than 10 cigarettes a day. 3. 51.8% of smoking students stated that they started the smoking because of their friend’s recommendation and 44.0%, because of curiosity. 63.6% of smoking students had intention of quiting the smoking in the future. The intention was stronger as the graed increased. 4. 81.8% of smoking students agreed that smoking is harmful to health of their own and others as well. In fact, 73.4% of smoking students were worrying about their health because of their smoking habits. 5. 43.3% of currently non-smoking students stated that had experience of smoking and 13.9% of the non-smoking students stated that they might smoke in the future. This rate was much higher among ex-smokers than other. This study results suggests that prevalence of smoking among Korean male medical students is very much high compared to that in other coumtries, and the antismoking campaign in medical school should be focused on students in lower grades particularly on those in premedical course.