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HOME > Epidemiol Health > Volume 7(2); 1985 > Article
Original Article A study on developing evaluative indices for assessment of communicable disease control activities of health agencies
Joung Soon Kim, H.S Shim, S.S Bae, D.K Oh
Epidemiol Health 1985;7(2):228-239
DOI: https://doi.org/
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Even though there had been a steady decrease of communicable diseases since the Korean war, the communicable disease control program is still a major public health problem among others in Korea. For recent several years the government has been awarding prize for the health center that was assessed to be an examplary institute in performance of communicable disease control activities, in order to facilitate the activity through mutual competition. This particular study was carried out to develop evaluative indices which should be valid and objective; the conventional way of assessing CDC activities of health centers has been subjected to a dispute among the eligible institutes for the prize due to deficient validity. This study consisted of three phase of data collection; preliminary study to obtain information necessary in formulating and planning the major study, in which all kind of health agencies including local public health laboratories, hospital and clinics and health centers were studied extensively to identify their roles in CDC program; and major study to develop evaluative indices; and the feasibility study on sampled health center directors to validate the validity and utility of the indices. The evluative indices developed by the researchers have been revised many times in accordance with the study results and the recommandation of the advisory committee. The finalized indices were evaluated by health center directors, who approved the indices being valid and appropriate. We decided to report this research results to share our valuable experience that relatively valid evaluative indices can be developed by stepwise exploration, even when there are few valid information available.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health