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Original Article Hypertension control in an Asian urban community: a controlled comparison of screening alone versus a program of patient education and follow-up tracking.
W Daniel Jones, Kyung Im Chung, Sung Chin Kim, Charles Pharm Sands
Epidemiol Health 1991;13(1):73-79
DOI: https://doi.org/
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This controlled prospective study was designed to test the benefit and feasibility of patient education and tracking techniques in long term hypertension control in Korea. Subjects were selected from random blood pressure screening in two neighborhoods. The study group(n=30) was given education about hypertension and was followed through a patient tracking program. The control group(n=25) was informed of their high blood pressure and only advised to seek therapy. At the end of one year, 16% (4/25) of the control group and 87% (26/30) of the study group reported compliance to regular therapy(p<0.001, chi square test). Mean diastolic blood pressure for the control group after one year was 102±16.9mmHg and for the study group 91±8.9mmHg(p<0.01,unpaired t-test). It is concluded that a program of patient education and patient tacking greatly enhances the likelihood of compliance with treatment and adequate blood pressure control in an Asian community.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health