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Original Article Epiderniologic Characteristics and Trends of Leptospirosis in Korea by Literature Review.
Sung Soo Kim, Joung Soon Kim
Epidemiol Health 1994;16(1):66-83
DOI: https://doi.org/
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In order to understand the epidemiologic characteristics and trends of Leptespirosis in Korea, year book of acute infectious disease and literatures published were thoroughly reviewed. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The outbreak of Leptospirosis in Korea has decreased during recent years. Most of the patients occured in Semptember, October, and November. Seventy nine percent of reported patients occured in north Choongchung, south Choongchung, and Kyunggi province in 1987-1991. 2. Leptospires isolation rates were ranged from 0.2% to 16.0% among normal healthy person, higher in rural residents than military personnels. 3. Total of 92 strains were isolated from human in six years from 1984 to 1990. Its main serogroups were Icterhaemorrhagiae and Canicola, predominantly consisted of serovar lai, copenhageni and canicola. Eighteen strains of Biflexa were also isolated from healthy persons and patients. 4. The proportion of Leptospirosis among patients with acute febrile episode has decreased since 1985. Sero-positive rate of male among patients with acute febrile episode is higher than that of female. Sixty percent of sero-positive patients with acute febrile episode was older than 40-year of age. The seropositive rates were consistently the highest in harvest season than other seasons. Residents of north Choongchung, north Chunlla, south Chunlla, Kyunggi, and north Choongchung provinces showed higher seropositive rates than those of other ones. Main serogroups positive to most sera of Koreans were Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola. 5. The sero-positive rate of normal healthy persons ranged from 2.0 to 25. 6% ; the sero-positive rate of rural area was 4 to 8 times higher than that of healthy urban people. Little difference was observed in sero-positive rate by age group among above 40 years old people, although it was higher in male by sex, in farmers by occupation and in some provinces by area.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health