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HOME > Epidemiol Health > Volume 20(1); 1998 > Article
Review Current Status of Cancer Screening Rate and Epidemiologic Study for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cancer Screening in Korea.
Won Chul Lee
Epidemiol Health 1998;20(1):1-9
DOI: https://doi.org/
Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, TheCatholic University of Korea.
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Current status of cancer screening rate and epidemiologic study for evaluating the effectiveness of cancer screening in Korea are reviewed. There are only few studies for an analysis of the current cancer screening status and associated factors in a community. Among these, a study which were done at Uijongbu city, showed the results on follows ; in the case of the screening of the stomach cancer, 16.1% of male subjects and 25.8% of female subjects turned out to have had one or more screenings for the cancer. In the cases of the breast and cervical cancers, 21.6% and 62.6% of the subjects turned out to have had one or more screenings respectively. The main epidemiologic studies which were for cancer screening effectiveness evaluation were case-control studies for stomach, cervix and breast cancer. According to these studies ; odds ratio was 0.71(95% confidence interval 0.36-1.40) for stomach cancer, 0.53(95% confidence interval 0.33-0.85), cervix cancer and 0.43(95% confidence interval 0.25-0.75) for breast cancer. Establishing cancer screening recommendation to promote national cancer control program and increasing cancer screening rate are needed to reach the goal of reducing cancer mortality and morbidity.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health