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Original Article A Case-Control Study on Risk Factors of CHD: Vegetable consumption and risk for CHD in Korean men.
Kyung Won Oh, Il Suh, Kang Hee lee, Chung Mo Nam, Suk Il Kim, Hyung Gon Kang, Sun Ha Jee, Seung Yun Cho, Won Heum Shim
Epidemiol Health 1998;20(2):234-245
DOI: https://doi.org/
1Graduate School of Health Science and Management, YonseiUniversity, Seoul, Korea.
2Department Preventive Medicine and Public Health, YonseiUniversity College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
3Department Preventive Medicine College of Medicine, TheCatholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.
4Department Preventive Medicine College of Medicine, PochonCHA University, Kyounggido, Korea.
5Department Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College ofMedicine, Seoul, Korea.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of vegetable consumption with the incidence of CHD in Korean men by a case-control study. The case group consisted of 108 patients with EKG-confirmed myocardial infarct or angiographically-confirmed(>or=50% stenosis) angina pectoris admitted to a university teaching hospital in Seoul, Korea. Controls were 142 age-matched patients admitted to the departments of ophthalmology and orthopedic surgery at the same hospital. Dietary intake was assessed by a nutritionist using a semiquantitative food frequency method, while body mass index (BMI), tobacco use, and past history of cardiovascular disease were determined during an interview and examination. The consumption of vegetables was classified by the average frequency of intake(less than 3 times/week, 3~4 times/week, 5~6 times/week, more than once/day). The percentage of subjects who consumed vegetables less than 3 times per week was 29.6% for cases and 17.6% for controls; while men who consumed vegetavle more than once per day were 16.7% for cases and 32.4% for controls. After the adjustment for age, body mass index, and tobacco use, the odds ratio of men who consumed vegetables at least once per day was 0.38(95% confidence interval, 0.18-0.85) compared with men who consumed vegetables less than three times per week. These results suggested that in a population with a relatively low fat intake, consumption of vegetables at least once per day may reduce the risk of CHD in men.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health