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Original Article Factors Related to Health Behaviors of the People in an Urban Community: Based on the Health Belief Model.
Byung Mann Cho
Epidemiol Health 1999;21(2):151-158
DOI: https://doi.org/
Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine,Pusan National University.
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Variables derived from the health belief model were studied in relation to practices of health behavior, which was measured in terms of thoroughness. Data were collected from the sample of 984 adults living in A-Gu of Pusan, during in-home interviews using structured questionnaires. Women practiced more health behaviors than men. The significant negative relationship was found between perceived barriers to health behavior and practices of health behavior in men and women. In addition, emotional support in men and perceived benefits of health behavior in women were also significant predictors of health behaviors. These findings suggest that in the study population, perceived barriers is the most powerful predictor for practices of health behavior and social support is also important for facilitating positive health behaviors.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health