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Association of healthy lifestyle factors with the risk of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and their comorbidity in Korea: results from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2019-2021
Ji-Sook Kong, Mi Kyung Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024049.   Published online May 1, 2024
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We investigated the association of individual healthy lifestyle factors (HLFs) and their combined healthy lifestyle score (HLS) with hypertension and/or dyslipidemia.
We analyzed data from 10,693 adults aged ≥19 from the 2019 to 2021 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. HLS was evaluated based on smoking status, alcohol consumption, body mass index (BMI), diet, and physical activity. Using logistic regression models, we estimated odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to evaluate the associations of HLFs and HLS with hypertension, dyslipidemia, and their comorbidity.
The prevalence of hypertension alone, dyslipidemia alone, and their comorbidity was 8.7%, 24.6%, and 15.0%, respectively. Multivariable models showed an inverse association of hypertension (OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.30 to 0.46) and dyslipidemia (OR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.32 to 0.41) with healthy BMI. Hypertension was inversely associated with healthy alcohol consumption (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.35 to 0.61) and diet (OR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.63 to 0.99), whereas dyslipidemia was inversely associated with non-smoking (OR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.43 to 0.60). Physical activity was inversely associated with their comorbidity (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.56 to 0.85). Adherence to HLS was associated with significantly lower odds of hypertension (81%), dyslipidemia (66%), and their conditions (89%) (all ptrend<0.001). Stratified analyses consistently showed inverse associations between HLS and hypertension and/or dyslipidemia independently of demographic factors (pinteractions>0.05).
HLFs were associated with lower risk for hypertension and/or dyslipidemia. Obesity may contribute significantly to the risk of these conditions, while relevant HLFs for individual chronic diseases may vary significantly.
Korean summary
건강한 생활 습관 요인(HLFs)의 개별 구성 요인들은 고혈압 및 이상지질혈증의 동반 위험과 각각의 상태와 음의 연관성을 보였다. 다양한 HLFs 중에서 BMI 상태가 중요한 요인으로 확인되었지만, 개별 만성 질환에 대한 관련 HLFs는 상당히 다를 수 있다. 또한, 명확한 용량-반응 관계가 관찰되어, 더 HLFs를 준수할수록 고혈압, 이상지질혈증 및 그들의 동반 가능성이 유의미하게 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.
Key Message
Individual components of healthy lifestyle factors (HLFs) were inversely associated with the risk of comorbid hypertension and dyslipidemia, as well as with each condition. Among the various HLFs, BMI status was identified as a significant factor, while relevant HLFs for individual chronic diseases may vary significantly. Additionally, clear dose-response associations were observed, indicating that adherence to more HLFs was significantly associated with decreasing odds of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and their comorbidity.
Trends and all-cause mortality associated with multimorbidity of non-communicable diseases among adults in the United States, 1999-2018: a retrospective cohort study
Mengzi Sun, Ling Wang, Xuhan Wang, Li Tong, Lina Jin, Bo Li
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023023.   Published online February 14, 2023
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Multimorbidity of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has brought enormous challenges to public health, becoming a major medical burden. However, the patterns, temporal trends, and all-cause mortality associated with NCD multimorbidity over time have not been well described in the United States.
All adult participants were sourced from nationally representative data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. In total, 55,081 participants were included in trend analysis, and 38,977 participants were included in Cox regression.
The 5 NCDs with the largest increases over the study period were diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, liver conditions, and cancer. The estimated prevalence of multimorbidity increased with age, especially for middle-aged participants with 5 or more NCDs; in general, the prevalence of NCD multimorbidity was higher among females than males. Participants with 5 or more NCDs were at 4.49 times the risk of all-cause mortality of participants without any diseases. Significant interactions were found between multimorbidity and age group (p for interaction <0.001), race/ethnicity (p for interaction<0.001), and educational attainment (p for interaction=0.010).
The prevalence of multiple NCDs significantly increased from 1999 to 2018. Those with 5 or more NCDs had the highest risk of all-cause mortality, especially among the young population. The data reported by this study could serve as a reference for additional NCD research.
Key Message
This study included a series-cross sectional study and a retrospective cohort study, utilizing nationally representative data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Multimorbidity of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has brought enormous challenges to public health, becoming a major medical burden. This study aimed to explore the patterns, temporal trends, and all-cause mortality of multimorbidity of NCDs in the United States from 1999 to 2018, by gender-specific and age-specific. The data reported by this study could serve as a reference for additional NCD research.


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  • Association of poverty-income ratio with cardiovascular disease and mortality in cancer survivors in the United States
    Vidhushei Yogeswaran, Youngdeok Kim, R. Lee Franco, Alexander R. Lucas, Arnethea L. Sutton, Jessica G. LaRose, Jonathan Kenyon, Ralph B. D’Agostino, Vanessa B. Sheppard, Kerryn Reding, W. Gregory Hundley, Richard K. Cheng, Hamid Reza Baradaran
    PLOS ONE.2024; 19(7): e0300154.     CrossRef
Multimorbidity patterns by health-related quality of life status in older adults: an association rules and network analysis utilizing the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Thi-Ngoc Tran, Sanghee Lee, Chang-Mo Oh, Hyunsoon Cho
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022113.   Published online November 29, 2022
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Improved life expectancy has increased the prevalence of older adults living with multimorbidity which likely deteriorates their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). However, relatively little is known about patterns and the relationships of multimorbidity by HRQoL status in older adults.
Individuals aged 65 or older from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey V-VII (2010-2018) were analyzed. HRQoL was assessed by the EuroQoL-5 dimensions questionnaire and categorized as poor, normal, or good. The impact of multimorbidity on HRQoL was evaluated using logistic regression. The patterns and inter-relationships between multimorbidity, stratified by HRQoL groups, were analyzed using the association rules and network analysis approach.
Multimorbidity was significantly associated with poor HRQoL (3 or more diseases vs. none; adjusted odds ratio, 2.70; 95% confidence interval, 2.10 to 3.46). Hypertension, arthritis, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes were the most prevalent diseases across all HRQoL groups. Complex interrelationships of morbidities, higher prevalence, and node strengths in all diseases were observed in the poor HRQoL group, particularly for arthritis, depression, and stroke, compared to other groups (1.5-3.0 times higher, p<0.05 for all). Apart from hypertension, arthritis and hyperlipidemia had a higher prevalence and stronger connections with other diseases in females, whereas this was the case for diabetes and stroke in males with poor HRQoL.
Multimorbidity patterns formed complicatedly inter-correlated disease networks in the poor HRQoL group with differences according to sex. These findings enhance the understanding of multimorbidity connections and provide information on the healthcare needs of older adults, especially those with poor HRQoL.
Korean summary
기대 수명의 증가에 따라 고령인구에서 건강관련 삶의 질을 저하시킬 수 있는 복합질환의 유병률도 함께 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여 65세 이상 우리나라 고령인구에서 건강관련 삶의 질 (HRQoL)에 따른 복합만성질환 패턴을 분석하였다. 복합만성질환은 건강관련 삶의 질 저하와 통계적으로 유의하게 연관되어 있으며, 연관성 및 네크워크 분석 결과 건강관련 삶의 질이 낮을수록 복합질환의 패턴이 복잡한 것으로 나타났다. 전체적으로 고혈압, 관절염, 고지혈증, 당뇨병이 가장 높은 발생률을 보였다. 건강관련 삶의 질이 낮은 그룹에서는 관절염, 우울증, 뇌졸중 등의 질병이 높은 발생률과 상호관련성을 보였으며, 이는 성별에 따라 차이가 있었다. 연구 결과는 고령자, 특히 건강관련 삶의 질이 낮은 노인의 의료 서비스 요구에 대해 정보를 제공해 줄 수 있을 것이다,
Key Message
Network analysis of older adults (65 or older) in Korea showed that hypertension, arthritis, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes were the most common multimorbidity regardless of HRQoL status. However, as HRQoL deteriorated, multimorbidity patterns formed complicatedly inter-correlated disease networks; the prevalence and the node strength of arthritis, depression, and stroke increased considerably and be diversified by sex.


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  • Chronic Disease Patterns and Their Relationship With Health-Related Quality of Life in South Korean Older Adults With the 2021 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Latent Class Analysis
    Mi-Sun Lee, Hooyeon Lee
    JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.2024; 10: e49433.     CrossRef
  • Impact of intensive hypertension criteria on multimorbidity prevalence and patterns in a multi-ethnic Chinese population
    Yezhou Liu, Baibing Mi, Leilei Pei, Shaonong Dang, Hong Yan, Chao Li
    Frontiers in Public Health.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Health-promoting behavior to enhance perceived meaning and control of life in chronic disease patients with role limitations and depressive symptoms: a network approach
    Je-Yeon Yun, Young Ho Yun
    Scientific Reports.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
Multimorbidity adjusted years lost to disability rates calculated through Monte-Carlo simulation in Korea
Yoonhee Shin, Eun Jeong Choi, Bomi Park, Hye Ah Lee, Eun-Kyung Lee, Hyesook Park
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022090.   Published online October 17, 2022
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To efficiently utilize limited health and medical resources, it is necessary to accurately measure the level of health, which requires estimating the multimorbidity-corrected burden of disease.
This study used 2015 and 2016 data from the National Health Insurance Service, and employed the list of diseases defined in a Korean study of the burden of disease, the criteria for prevalence, and the “cause–sequelae–health state” disease system. When calculating the years lost to disability (YLD), multimorbidity was corrected using Monte-Carlo simulation.
Correcting for multimorbidity changed YLD at all ages in Korea by -1.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], -24.1 to 3.6) in males and -12.4% (95% CI, -23.0 to 0.3) in females in 2015, and by -10.8% (95% CI, -24.1 to 4.6) in males and -11.1% (95% CI, -22.8 to 1.7) in females in 2016. The YLD rate for non-communicable diseases in males decreased more than that of other disease groups in both years, by -11.8% (95% CI, -19.5 to 3.6) and -11.5% (95% CI, -19.3 to -3.0), respectively. The overall YLD rate changed by -1.3% in the 5-year to 9-year age group, and the magnitude of this change remained similar until the 10-19-year age group, gradually decreased after 20 years of age, and steeply increased to more than 10% in those aged 60 and older.
Calculations of YLD should adjust for multimorbidity, as the disease burden can otherwise be overestimated for the elderly, who tend to exhibit a high prevalence of multimorbidity.
Korean summary
복합질환 유병률이 증가됨에 따라 인구의 건강수준 측정 시 복합질환을 고려하는 것은 중요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 복합질환 유병상태를 고려한 YLD(장애로 인한 손실년수)를 산출하고, 복합질환 유병상태를 고려하지 않고 산출한 YLD값과 비교하여 질병부담 산출 시 복합질환 유병상태를 보정하는 것의 효과 크기를 추정하였다. 복합질환의 유병률이 높은 노령층에서 복합질환을 고려하지 않고 YLD를 계산 할 경우 질병부담이 과대 추정될 수 있어, 복합질환을 보정하여 YLD를 산출하는 것이 필요하다.
Key Message
For the elderly whose disease burden can be overestimated, the multimorbidity should be adjusted during YLD calculations.
Gender differences in the association between multimorbidity and depression in older Korean adults: an analysis of data from the National Survey of Older Koreans (2011-2017)
SeoYeon Hwang, Jin Young Nam, Jeong Hyun Ahn, Soojin Park
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022049.   Published online May 24, 2022
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Previous studies have shown that people with multimorbidity have a higher risk of depression than those without multimorbidity. However, few studies have examined the association between depression and multimorbidity in men and women separately. Since the rates of depression and multimorbidity are different in men and women, it is necessary to examine whether gender differences affect their association.
This study included 30,138 participants (aged ≥ 65 years) from the National Survey of Older Koreans (2011-2017). Depression was defined using the Korean version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (SGDS-K). Multimorbidity was defined as people who had 2 or more chronic diseases, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, pulmonary disease, cancer, stroke, or osteoporosis. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the association between depression and multimorbidity.
In total, 22.2% and 30.7% of men and women, respectively, had depression. Those with multimorbidity had a higher risk of depression than those without chronic conditions; specifically, the difference in risk among men was greater than that among women. Age was considered a moderator for women. While the effects of pulmonary disease, stroke, and cancer were especially substantial in the integrated analysis, gender differences were observed related to various chronic conditions comorbid with heart disease.
There are gender differences in the association between multimorbidity and depression among older Korean adults. Therefore, gender-specific care should be provided to reduce depression in older adults with multimorbidity.
Korean summary
복합만성질환을 가진 남성 노인이 복합만성질환을 가진 여성 노인보다 우울증을 경험할 위험이 높았다. 특히 심장질환을 가진 남성 노인과 여성 노인은 심장질환을 포함한 만성질환의 개수에 따라 우울증 위험에 차이가 있었다. 노인들의 수명 향상을 위해 성별 차이를 고려한 치료 방안과 정책이 마련되어야 한다.
Key Message
Multimorbidity was associated with a high-risk of depression in older Korean adults and the effects of multimorbidity differed by gender.


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  • Exploring Factors Associated With Resilience and Physical Activity in Older Men and Women Post-Hip Fracture
    Hohyun Seong, Barbara Resnick, Sarah Holmes, Elizabeth Galik, Rachel Blankstein Breman, Richard H. Fortinsky, Shijun Zhu
    Journal of Applied Gerontology.2024; 43(6): 627.     CrossRef
  • Inter- and intrapopulation differences in the association between physical multimorbidity and depressive symptoms
    Haiyang Yu, Yike Zhang, Mengxiao Hu, Bowen Xiang, Sijia Wang, Qing Wang
    Journal of Affective Disorders.2024; 354: 434.     CrossRef
  • Association Between Multimorbidity and Depression in Older Adults: Evidence From Six Large Longitudinal Cohorts
    Qianqian Du, Menghan Yao, Wei Wang, Junyu Wang, Sheng Li, Kai Lu, Chen Li, Yuxin Wei, Tao Zhang, Fei Yin, Yue Ma
    The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
Elder abuse/mistreatment and associated covariates in India: results from the Longitudinal Aging Study in India wave 1, 2017-2018
Thennavan Sathya, Yesuvadian Selvamani, Rangasamy Nagarajan
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022017.   Published online January 18, 2022
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
Elder abuse has significant adverse consequences for the overall health and well-being of the elderly, including premature mortality. Using cross-sectional data, we assessed the prevalence of elder abuse in India, its variation across states, and associated factors.
Nationally representative data from the first wave of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India were analyzed. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to study the prevalence, state variations, and associated factors of elder abuse.
Overall, 5.2% of elderly adults (≥60 years) had experienced abuse in the year prior to the survey and 3% had experienced abuse within their own household. Verbal abuse or disrespect was the most common form of abuse. Considerable variation was observed in the prevalence of elder abuse across states and union territories, with the highest prevalence observed in Bihar (11.6%) and Karnataka (10.1%). In regression analysis, education level emerged as a protective factor against elder abuse, particularly among women. Older adults who lived alone, had functional limitations, had multiple morbidities, and had been hospitalized in the past year were more likely to experience abuse. Older adults who experienced abuse were 2 times more likely to experience depressive symptoms.
Cross-state variation in the prevalence of elder abuse and subgroup differences suggest that state-specific interventions and essential monitoring of older adults with functional limitations, chronic diseases, and recent hospitalization can further reduce the prevalence and consequences of elder abuse in India.
Key Message
Elder abuse is one of the common forms of violence among the elderly. This study finds a significant proportion (5.2%) of Indian elderly reported elder abuse with considerable state-variations. The prevalence of elder abuse is higher in the states of Bihar (11.6%) and Karnataka (10.1%). Gender differences in elder abuse is notable where women is more likely to experience abuse than men. Education is a key protective factor of abuse. Elderly with multimorbidity and functional limitations are more likely to experience abuse. The elder abuse is positively associated with depressive symptoms.


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  • Understanding Elder Abuse in India: Contributing Factors and Policy Suggestions
    Priya Maurya, Aparajita Chattopadhyay, Smitha Rao, Palak Sharma
    Journal of Population Ageing.2024; 17(1): 5.     CrossRef
  • Association between Multimorbidity and Psychological Distress among Older Adults in India: The Moderating Role of Elder Abuse
    Sathya Thennavan, Yesuvadian Selvamani, Nagarajan Rangasamy, Mathew Arumai
    Clinical Gerontologist.2024; : 1.     CrossRef
  • Elder Abuse in Older Adults With Dementia: Protective Factors and Adverse Effects
    Wenxing Wei, Sarah Balser, Ann W. Nguyen, Weidi Qin
    Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.2024; 25(5): 3827.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and risk factors of elder abuse in survivors of stroke: A cross‐sectional study
    Guifen Zhang, Minyuan Chen, Peiyi Xiao, Zhibo Peng
    Health Science Reports.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Elder Mistreatment as a Risk Factor for Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Korean Older Adults
    Min-So Paek, Mi Jin Lee, Yu-Seon Shin
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(18): 11165.     CrossRef
The anatomy of COVID-19 comorbidity networks among hospitalized Korean patients
Eun Kyong Shin, Hyo Young Choi, Neil Hayes
Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021035.   Published online May 7, 2021
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We aimed to examine how comorbidities were associated with outcomes (illness severity or death) among hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Data were provided by the National Medical Center of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. These data included the clinical and epidemiological information of all patients hospitalized with COVID-19 who were discharged on or before April 30, 2020 in Korea. We conducted comorbidity network and multinomial logistic regression analyses to identify risk factors associated with COVID-19 disease severity and mortality. The outcome variable was the clinical severity score (CSS), categorized as mild (oxygen treatment not needed), severe (oxygen treatment needed), or death.
In total, 5,771 patients were included. In the fully adjusted model, chronic kidney disease (CKD) (odds ratio [OR], 2.58; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.19 to 5.61) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (OR, 3.19; 95% CI, 1.35 to 7.52) were significantly associated with disease severity. CKD (OR, 5.35; 95% CI, 2.00 to 14.31), heart failure (HF) (OR, 3.15; 95% CI, 1.22 to 8.15), malignancy (OR, 3.38; 95% CI, 1.59 to 7.17), dementia (OR, 2.62; 95% CI, 1.45 to 4.72), and diabetes mellitus (OR, 2.26; 95% CI, 1.46 to 3.49) were associated with an increased risk of death. Asthma and hypertension showed statistically insignificant associations with an increased risk of death.
Underlying diseases contribute differently to the severity of COVID-19. To efficiently allocate limited medical resources, underlying comorbidities should be closely monitored, particularly CKD, COPD, and HF.
Korean summary
본 연구는 2019 년 코로나 바이러스 질환 (COVID-19)으로 입원 한 환자의 합병증이 결과 (질병 중증도 또는 사망)와 어떤 관련이 있는지를 동반 질환 네트워크 및 다항 로지스틱 회귀 분석을 통해 분석하였다. 기저 질환은 COVID-19의 중증도 및 사망에 차별적으로 영향을 미친다. 제한된 의료 자원을 효율적으로 활용하기 위해서 환자의 기저 동반 질환 중, 특히 만성 신장 질환 (CKD), 만성 폐쇄성 폐 질환 (COPD), 심부전 (HF)을 더욱 면밀히 모니터링해야 한다.
Key Message
We examined how comorbidities were associated with outcomes (illness severity or death) among hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), implementing comorbidity network and multinomial logistic regression analyses. Underlying diseases contribute differently to the severity of COVID-19. To efficiently allocate limited medical resources, underlying comorbidities should be closely monitored, particularly chronic kidney disease (CKD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and heart failure (HF).


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  • SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 illness course and outcome in people with pre-existing neurodegenerative disorders: systematic review with frequentist and Bayesian meta-analyses
    Muhannad Smadi, Melina Kaburis, Youval Schnapper, Gabriel Reina, Patricio Molero, Marc L. Molendijk
    The British Journal of Psychiatry.2023; 223(2): 348.     CrossRef
  • Asthma and COPD as co-morbidities in patients hospitalised with Covid-19 disease: a global systematic review and meta-analysis
    James Patrick Finnerty, A. B. M. Arad Hussain, Aravind Ponnuswamy, Hafiz Gulzeb Kamil, Ammar Abdelaziz
    BMC Pulmonary Medicine.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • The Role of Diabetes and Hyperglycemia on COVID-19 Infection Course—A Narrative Review
    Evangelia Tzeravini, Eleftherios Stratigakos, Chris Siafarikas, Anastasios Tentolouris, Nikolaos Tentolouris
    Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
Comorbidity network analysis related to obesity in middle-aged and older adults: findings from Korean population-based survey data
Hye Ah Lee, Hyesook Park
Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021018.   Published online March 5, 2021
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We conducted a comorbidity network analysis using data from the seventh Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to systematically quantify obesity-related comorbidities.
The study included 11,712 subjects aged 45 to 80 (5,075 male and 6,637 female). A prevalent disease was defined as a specific disease for which a subject had been diagnosed by a doctor and was being treated. Comorbidity network analysis was performed for diseases with a prevalence of 1% or more, including overweight and obesity. We estimated the observed-to-expected ratio of all possible disease pairs with comorbidity strength and visualized the network of obesity-related comorbidities.
In subjects over 45 years old, 37.3% of people had a body mass index over 25.0 kg/m<sup>2</sup>. The most common prevalent disease was hypertension (42.3%), followed by dyslipidemia (17.4%) and diabetes (17.0%). Overweight and obese subjects were 2.1 times (95% confidence interval, 1.9 to 2.3) more likely to have a comorbidity (i.e., 2 or more diseases) than normal-weight subjects. Metabolic diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and osteoarthritis were directly associated with overweight and obesity. The probability of coexistence for each of those 4 diseases was 1.3 times higher than expected. In addition, hypertension and dyslipidemia frequently coexisted in overweight and obese female along with other diseases. In obese male, dyslipidemia and diabetes were the major diseases in the comorbidity network.
Our results provide evidence justifying the management of metabolic components in obese individuals. In addition, our results will help prioritize interventions for comorbidity reduction as a public health goal.
Korean summary
본 연구는 비만 관련 동반질환을 체계적으로 정량화하기 위해, 제7차 (2016-2018) 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여 동반질환 네트워크 분석을 수행하였습니다. 45세 이상 성인에서 비만(체질량지수≥25.0 kg/m2)은 정상체중에 비해 동반질환에 대한 위험이 2.1배 높은 것으로 나타났습니다. 동반질환 네트워크에서는 고혈압과 이상지질혈증이 비만 여성의 주요 질환 이였으며, 이상지질혈증과 당뇨병은 비만 남성의 주요 질환인 것으로 나타났습니다. 본 연구결과는 비만 관련 동반질환 감소를 위한 중재의 우선 순위를 정하는데 도움이 될 것이라고 생각됩니다.
Key Message
We conducted a comorbidity network analysis using data from the seventh (2016-2018) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to systematically quantify obesity-related comorbidities. In subjects over 45 years old, obese (body mass index ≥ 25.0 kg/m2) subjects were 2.1 times more likely to have a comorbidity than normal-weight subjects. In the comorbidity network, hypertension and dyslipi¬demia were the major diseases in obese females, and dyslipidemia and diabetes were the major diseases in obese males. Our results will help prioritize interventions for reducing obesity-related comorbidities.


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Trends of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning in Korea, 1951-2018
Jong-Hun Kim, Ah-Young Lim, Hae-Kwan Cheong
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020062.   Published online August 31, 2020
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from coal briquette combustion has been a major public health problem in Korea. In this study, we estimated the time trends of the consumption of anthracite coal and the number of CO poisoning victims over the past 7 decades, in the context of changes in heating facilities.
Using Population and Housing Census data and energy statistics, we estimated the number of houses using briquettes as heating fuel between 1951 and 2018. After estimating the incidence of CO poisoning in housing units by heating facility type, we determined the ratio of the number of household members who experienced CO poisoning to the overall number of household members. Finally, we estimated the distribution of the victims according to poisoning severity, excluding victims of intentional exposure.
We estimated that, overall, over 26 million people experienced CO poisoning between 1951 and 2018 in Korea. The household consumption of anthracite peaked in 1986, but the number of victims of CO poisoning peaked at approximately 1 million people in 1980. From 1951 to 2018, the cumulative number of CO poisoning victims comprised approximately 22,830,000 mild cases, 3,570,000 severe cases, and 65,000 deaths.
The peak in the number of CO poisoning victims occurred 6 years earlier than the peak in the number of people using briquettes for heating. This gap resulted from improvements in briquette heating systems. This finding provides a quantitative basis for epidemiological studies on the health outcomes of CO poisoning in the Korean population.
Korean summary
과거에 연탄을 난방 연료로 사용함으로써 발생하였던 일산화탄소 중독 사고는 한국 사회에서 주요한 공중 보건 문제였다. 본 연구에서는 지난 70년간 연탄 소비에 따른 일산화탄소 중독 피해자 규모를 추정하였다. 본 연구에서 산출된 결과들은 일산화탄소 중독으로 인하여 지속적으로 나타날 수 있는 건강 피해에 대한 역학 연구의 정량적 근거를 제공하고 있다.


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Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with multimorbidity in New Zealand
Nayyereh Aminisani, Christine Stephens, Joanne Allen, Fiona Alpass, Seyed Morteza Shamshirgaran
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020001.   Published online December 27, 2019
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The incidence of multimorbidity (MM) and its correlates among older adults remain poorly understood. This study aimed to examine the socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with MM in New Zealand.
People aged 55-70 years were invited to participate in a population-based cohort study, the Health Work and Retirement Study, in 2006. Those who accepted the invitation and completed the baseline questionnaire were followed up on a biennial basis. Data on socio-demographic factors, health and lifestyle behaviours, and diagnoses of chronic diseases were obtained from baseline and 6 waves of follow-up. Generalised estimating equations (GEE) adjusted for both time-constant and time-varying factors were used to model factors associated with the onset of MM.
A total of 1,673 participants (with 0 or 1 chronic condition) contributed to an overall 8,616 person-years of observation. There were 590 new cases of MM over 10 years of follow-up, corresponding to an overall incidence of 68.5 per 1,000 person-years. The results of the age- and sex-adjusted GEE analysis showed that age, ethnicity, living alone, obesity, hypertension, and having 1 chronic condition at baseline were significant predictors of MM onset. Higher education, income, physical activity, and regular alcohol consumption were protective factors. In a fully adjusted model, marital status (odds ratio [OR], 1.18; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.01 to 1.37; p=0.039), hypertension (OR, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.48; p=0.032) and having 1 chronic condition at baseline (OR, 2.92; 95% CI, 2.33 to 3.67; p<0.001) remained significant.
The higher incidence of MM among Māori people, socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, those with low physical activity, and obese individuals highlights the importance of targeted prevention strategies.


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Geographical distribution of health indicators related to snake bites and envenomation in Morocco between 1999 and 2013
Faiçal El hattimy, Fouad Chafiq, Hinde Hami, Abdelghani Mokhtari, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, Soulaymani Bencheikh Rachida
Epidemiol Health. 2018;40:e2018024.   Published online June 16, 2018
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Envenomation from snake bites is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological features of snake bites in Morocco and to evaluate time-space trends in snake bite incidence, the mortality rate, and the case-fatality rate.
This is a retrospective study of snake bite cases reported to the Moroccan Poison Control Center between 1999 and 2013.
During the study period, 2,053 people were bitten by snakes in Morocco. Most victims were adults (55.4%). The average age of the patients was 26.48±17.25 years. More than half of the cases (58.1%) were males. Approximately 75% of snake bites happened in rural areas, and 85 deaths were recorded during this period. The incidence of snake bites remained generally steady over the 15-year period of this study, with a marked increase noted since 2012. The mortality rate has increased slightly, from 0.02 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in 1999 to 0.05 in 2013. The geographical distribution of snake bite cases in the regions of Morocco showed that Tanger-Tétouan had the highest annual incidence of snake bites (1.41 bites per 100,000 inhabitants). However, the highest annual mortality rates were recorded in the Guelmim-Es Semara and Souss-Massa-Drâa regions (0.09 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants for both regions).
The geographical distribution of the incidence, mortality, and case-fatality rates of snake bites in Morocco showed large disparities across regions during the three 5-year periods included in this study, meaning that certain areas can be considered high-risk for snake bites.


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Prevalence and comorbidity of common mental disorders and associations with suicidal ideation in the adult population
Yousef Veisani, Fathola Mohamadian, Ali Delpisheh
Epidemiol Health. 2017;39:e2017031.   Published online July 22, 2017
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Little information exists on the association between comorbidities of mental disorders and suicidal ideation in developing countries. The current study examined the relationship between the presence of comorbid mental disorders and suicidal ideation in the adult population.
This cross-sectional study was conducted using the cluster random sampling method in 3 steps. Data were collected from a household assets survey and the self-administered 28-item General Health Questionnaire as first step in screening, and the Persian version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition - Text Revision was used in the second stage to determine the prevalence of mental disorders. Bivariate and multivariate analysis were used to investigate the associations between mental disorders and suicidal ideation.
Of the 763 participants, 199 (26.1%) had 1 or more mental disorder. Forty-two (71.4%) subjects with comorbidities had a history of suicidal ideation, whereas 59 (7.7%) of all participants had a history of suicidal ideation. We found that major depressive disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder were the most predictive of suicidal ideation in both sexes. The odds ratio for suicidal ideation associated with having 3 comorbid disorders was 2.70 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.40 to 14.12) in males and 3.06 (95% CI, 1.25 to 15.22) in females.
Consistent with pervious data, our results confirmed that mental disorders and comorbidities of mental disorders were important predictors of suicidal ideation. Our findings are very useful for applied intervention programs to reduce the suicide rate in regions in which it is high.


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Factors associated with seeking treatment for postpartum morbidities in rural India
Aditya Singh, Abhishek Kumar
Epidemiol Health. 2014;36:e2014026.   Published online October 30, 2014
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To understand the prevalence of postpartum morbidities and factors associated with treatment-seeking behaviour among currently married women aged 15-49 residing in rural India.
We used data from the nationally representative District Level Household Survey from 2007-2008. Cross-tabulation was used to understand the differentials for the prevalence of postpartum morbidities and treatment-seeking behaviours across selected background characteristics. Two-level binary logistic regression was applied to understand the factors associated with treatment-seeking behaviour.
Approximately 39.8% of rural women suffered from at least one of the six postpartum morbidities including high fever, lower abdominal pain, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, excessive bleeding, convulsions, and severe headache. Morbidities were more prevalent among poor, illiterate, Muslim, and high-parity women. About 55.1% of these rural women sought treatment/consultation for their problems. The odds of seeking treatment/consultation increased as economic status and years of schooling among both the woman and her husband increased. Poor, uneducated, unemployed, Hindu, and tribal women were less likely to seek treatment/consultation for postpartum morbidities than their counterparts were. The odds of seeking treatment/consultation decreased as the distance to the nearest private health facility increased. Most women visited a private hospital (46.3%) or a friend/family member’s home (20.8%) for treatment/consultation. Only a small percentage visited publicly funded health institutions such as a primary health centre (8.8%), community health centre (6.5%), health sub-centre (2.8%), or district hospital (13.1%). Rural women from the northeast region of India were 50% less likely to seek treatment/consultation than women from the central region were.
Providing antenatal and delivery care, and ensuring nearby government healthcare facilities are available to serve rural women might increase the likelihood of care-seeking for postpartum morbidities. Targeted interventions for vulnerable groups should be considered in future policies to increase the likelihood women will seek treatment or advice postpartum.


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A Time Series Analysis of the Death Rates and Rectangularization of the Survival Curve, 1970-2010.
Yong Gyu Park, Kyung Hwan Cho
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):210-219.
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As the population of senior people has been increased rapidly during the past 30 years in Koera, the health policy and related research in this field are strongly demanded to manage various problems which can be derived from the gerontic phenomenon. We estimated the death rates up to 2010 using the annual mortality data published by the National Statistical Office from 1970 to 1995 by time series analysis and calculated the survival curves, life expectancy by life table method with modified Graville's formular and proposed several measures which can be used in describing the theory of retangularization of survival curves and compression of mortality hypothesis. According to the results, the relative and absolute rectangularization and the convergency of survival curves were observed, and all the Keyfitz's H, NH, SD, and CV decreased while the life expectancy increased in the period of 1970 to 2010. So we conclude that the hypothesis of mortality compression suggested by Fries explains the changing pattern of aged population in Korea very well.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health