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The association between migraine and Parkinson’s disease: a nationwide cohort study in Korea
Woo-Seok Ha, Jaeho Kim, Hee Won Hwang, Sue Hyun Lee, Ji In Kim, Jin Yong Hong, Sang Hyun Park, Kyung Do Han, Min Seok Baek
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024010.   Published online December 18, 2023
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Clinical studies have suggested an association between migraine and the occurrence of Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, it is unknown whether migraine affects PD risk. We aimed to investigate the incidence of PD in patients with migraine and to determine the risk factors affecting the association between migraine and PD incidence.
Using the Korean National Health Insurance System database (2002-2019), we enrolled all Koreans aged ≥40 years who participated in the national health screening program in 2009. International Classification of Diseases (10th revision) diagnostic codes and Rare Incurable Diseases System diagnostic codes were used to define patients with migraine (within 12 months of enrollment) and newly diagnosed PD.
We included 214,193 patients with migraine and 5,879,711 individuals without migraine. During 9.1 years of follow-up (55,435,626 person-years), 1,973 (0.92%) and 30,664 (0.52%) individuals with and without migraine, respectively, were newly diagnosed with PD. Following covariate adjustment, patients with migraine showed a 1.35-fold higher PD risk than individuals without migraine. The incidence of PD was not significantly different between patients with migraine with aura and those without aura. In males with migraine, underlying dyslipidemia increased the risk of PD (p=0.012). In contrast, among females with migraine, younger age (<65 years) increased the risk of PD (p=0.038).
Patients with migraine were more likely to develop PD than individuals without migraine. Preventive management of underlying comorbidities and chronic migraine may affect the incidence of PD in these patients. Future prospective randomized clinical trials are warranted to clarify this association.
Korean summary
편두통 환자들은 편두통이 없는 이들보다 장기적으로 파킨슨병이 발병할 위험이 더 높습니다. 더불어, 이 관계는 편두통의 아형(전조 vs. 무전조)보다는 편두통의 빈도(삽화성 vs. 만성)와 더 밀접한 연관성을 갖는 것으로 보입니다.
Key Message
Patients with migraine are more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than individuals without migraine. Furthermore, this association appears to be more strongly linked to the frequency of migraines (episodic vs. chronic) rather than the subtype of migraine (with aura vs. without aura).


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    Ignazio Leale, Vincenzo Di Stefano, Angelo Torrente, Paolo Alonge, Roberto Monastero, Michele Roccella, Filippo Brighina, Valerio Giustino, Giuseppe Battaglia
    Journal of Clinical Medicine.2025; 14(3): 861.     CrossRef

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health