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Association of healthy lifestyle factors with the risk of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and their comorbidity in Korea: results from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2019-2021
Ji-Sook Kong, Mi Kyung Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024049.   Published online May 1, 2024
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
We investigated the association of individual healthy lifestyle factors (HLFs) and their combined healthy lifestyle score (HLS) with hypertension and/or dyslipidemia.
We analyzed data from 10,693 adults aged ≥19 from the 2019 to 2021 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. HLS was evaluated based on smoking status, alcohol consumption, body mass index (BMI), diet, and physical activity. Using logistic regression models, we estimated odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to evaluate the associations of HLFs and HLS with hypertension, dyslipidemia, and their comorbidity.
The prevalence of hypertension alone, dyslipidemia alone, and their comorbidity was 8.7%, 24.6%, and 15.0%, respectively. Multivariable models showed an inverse association of hypertension (OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.30 to 0.46) and dyslipidemia (OR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.32 to 0.41) with healthy BMI. Hypertension was inversely associated with healthy alcohol consumption (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.35 to 0.61) and diet (OR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.63 to 0.99), whereas dyslipidemia was inversely associated with non-smoking (OR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.43 to 0.60). Physical activity was inversely associated with their comorbidity (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.56 to 0.85). Adherence to HLS was associated with significantly lower odds of hypertension (81%), dyslipidemia (66%), and their conditions (89%) (all ptrend<0.001). Stratified analyses consistently showed inverse associations between HLS and hypertension and/or dyslipidemia independently of demographic factors (pinteractions>0.05).
HLFs were associated with lower risk for hypertension and/or dyslipidemia. Obesity may contribute significantly to the risk of these conditions, while relevant HLFs for individual chronic diseases may vary significantly.
Korean summary
건강한 생활 습관 요인(HLFs)의 개별 구성 요인들은 고혈압 및 이상지질혈증의 동반 위험과 각각의 상태와 음의 연관성을 보였다. 다양한 HLFs 중에서 BMI 상태가 중요한 요인으로 확인되었지만, 개별 만성 질환에 대한 관련 HLFs는 상당히 다를 수 있다. 또한, 명확한 용량-반응 관계가 관찰되어, 더 HLFs를 준수할수록 고혈압, 이상지질혈증 및 그들의 동반 가능성이 유의미하게 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.
Key Message
Individual components of healthy lifestyle factors (HLFs) were inversely associated with the risk of comorbid hypertension and dyslipidemia, as well as with each condition. Among the various HLFs, BMI status was identified as a significant factor, while relevant HLFs for individual chronic diseases may vary significantly. Additionally, clear dose-response associations were observed, indicating that adherence to more HLFs was significantly associated with decreasing odds of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and their comorbidity.
Non-linear association between serum folate concentrations and dyslipidemia: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2016-2018
Taiyue Jin, Eun Young Park, Byungmi Kim, Jin-Kyoung Oh
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022046.   Published online May 15, 2022
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  • 2 Web of Science
  • 3 Crossref
AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
We aimed to evaluate the association between serum folate concentrations and the prevalence of dyslipidemia.
A total of 4,477 adults (2,019 male and 2,458 female) enrolled in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2016-2018 were included. Serum samples were used to assess folate concentrations and total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol levels. Multivariate logistic regression with sampling weights was used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
Elevated TC, TG, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels were observed in 506 (11.3%), 646 (14.4%), 434 (9.7%), and 767 (17.1%) participants, respectively. We found non-linear trends between serum folate concentrations and the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and hyper-LDL cholesterolemia from the restricted cubic smoothing spline. A higher prevalence of hypercholesterolemia was observed among participants in the first tertile of serum folate concentrations (OR,1.38; 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.79) than among those in the second tertile. However, a higher prevalence of hyper-LDL cholesterolemia was identified for both the first and third serum folate concentration tertiles (OR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.08 to 2.05 and OR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.20 to 2.20, respectively); furthermore, in these tertiles, the prevalence of hyper-LDL cholesterolemia was more pronounced among obese participants.
Non-linear associations may exist between serum folate concentrations and the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and hyper-LDL cholesterolemia in adults. The findings suggest that more accurate recommendations about folate intake and folic acid fortification and supplementation should be provided.
Korean summary
본 연구는 국민건강영양조사 자료를 활용하여 한국 성인에서 혈청 엽산 농도와 고콜레스테롤혈증 및 저밀도지단백 (LDL) 콜레스테롤혈증 유병률 간의 비선형 연관성을 확인하였다. 이 결과는 적정 혈청 엽산 농도와 정확한 엽산 권장섭취량을 추정하는데 근거로 활용될수 있을 것이다.
Key Message
1. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and hyper-LDL cholesterolemia were non-linearly associated with serum concentrations of folate in the Korean population. 2. An inverse association with a significant linear trend between serum folate concentrations and prevalence of hypo-HDL cholesterolemia was observed. 3. In relation to folate intake and folic acid fortification and supplementation, more accurate recommendations should be provided.


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The Dose-response Relationship between Amount of Cigarette Smoking and Blood Lipids and Sugar.
Kang Sook Lee, Hyun Sook Hong, Jin Sook Jeong
Korean J Epidemiol. 1999;21(2):195-204.
  • 6,291 View
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AbstractAbstract PDF
To explore the dose-response relationship between amount of cigarette smoking and blood lipids and sugar METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, we gathered the smoking history by self-administered questionnaire between 1994 and 1998 among 2888 men who visited the Health Promotion Center at St. Mary's Hospital, Seoul.
Adjusted for age, body mass index, the odds ratio of hypercholesterolemia (> or =240 mg/dl) were 2.06 (95% Confident Interval, 1.44-2.94), 2.03(95% CI 1.31-3.11), higher LDL-cholesterol(> or =160 mg/dl) were 2.06(95% CI 1.43-2.98), 2.25(95% CI 1.45-3.45) among group of men who smoked 21-30, over 30 cigarettes per day respectively compared with nonsmokers group. And adjusted for age, body mass index, the odds ratio of lower HDL-cholesterol(<35 mg/dl) were 1.76(95% CI 1.34-2.33), 1.98(95% CI 1.39-2.81), 2.35(95% CI 1.54-3.54), hypertriglyceridemia(> or =200 mg/dl) were 1.93(95% CI 1.47-2.55), 2.57(95% CI 1.82-3.62), 2.80(95% CI 1.86-4.21) among group of men who smoked 11-20, 21-30, over 30 cigarettes per day respectively compared with nonsmokers group. The adjusted odds ratio of diabetes(FBS> or =126 mg/dl) was 1.86(95% CI 1.10-3.06) only among who smoked more than 30 cigarettes compared with nonsmokers.
This study showed that there were dose-response relationships betwen amount of cigarette smoking and total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride and sugar. It suggested that health promotion program including quitting and decrease of cigarette smoking would be necessary to prevent cardiovascular disease in Korean men.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health