Brief Communication
Timely access to secondary pediatric services in Korea: a key to reducing child and adolescent mortality
Minku Kang, Young June Choe, Hye Sook Min, Saerom Kim, Seung-Ah Choe
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024059. Published online July 5, 2024
Web of Science
Geographic disparities in access to secondary pediatric care remain a significant issue in countries with universal health coverage, including Korea. This study investigated the link between geographic access to secondary pediatric care and mortality rates in children and adolescents (0-19 years) in Korea.
We analyzed district-level data to assess the percentage of those aged 0-19 years residing outside of a 60-minute travel radius from the nearest secondary pediatric care provider (accessibility vulnerability index, AVI).
The AVI ranged from 0% to 100% across the districts for the study period. The confidence interval (CI) was -0.30 (95% CI, -0.41 to -0.19) in 2017 and -0.41 (95% CI, -0.52 to -0.30) in 2021, indicating that the proportion of those who could not access care within 60 minutes was disproportionately higher in districts with lower socioeconomic status. We found 8% rise in mortality rates among individuals aged 0-19 years for every 10% increase in AVI (95% CI, 1.06 to 1.10).
The study highlights disparities in pediatric care access and their impact on child survival, emphasizing the need for improved access to achieve true universal health coverage.
Korean summary
본 연구는 한국에서 소아 의료 서비스에 대한 지리적 접근성과 아동 사망률 사이의 연관성을 조사하여, 특히 COVID-19 대유행 기간 동안 접근성 제한이 높은 사망률과 관련이 있음을 발견하였다. 이 연구는 아동 및 청소년의 예방 가능한 사망률에 대한 지역 격차를 줄이기 위해 시기적절한 치료 접근성을 개선해야 할 필요성을 강조하였다.
Key Message
The study investigated the link between geographic access to pediatric services and child mortality in South Korea, finding that limited access, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, was associated with higher mortality. The research highlights the need for improved access to timely care to reduce regional disparities in preventable deaths among children and adolescents.
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- Global paediatric workforce crisis: lessons from South Korea
Young June Choe, Kee-Hyoung Lee
Archives of Disease in Childhood.2024; : archdischild-2024-327893. CrossRef
Systematic Review
Handgrip strength thresholds associated with metabolic syndrome risk in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Hye Ah Lee, Seunghee Jun, Hyesook Park
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024047. Published online April 24, 2024
Supplementary Material
Certain studies have reported that handgrip strength (HGS) is associated with metabolic health risks in children and adolescents, and some studies have suggested HGS thresholds for identifying poor metabolic health. Therefore, we aimed to determine the HGS thresholds associated with metabolic syndrome (MetS) in children and adolescents through a systematic review.
We searched 3 electronic databases from their inception until October 2023 to identify original papers that focused on children and adolescents and assessed their risks of MetS according to specific HGS values. Studies were selected for inclusion through a planned screening process based on specific criteria. The Quality Assessment Tool for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies version 2 (QUADAS-2) was used to evaluate quality, and a meta-analysis was performed using the diagmeta R package to suggest the optimal thresholds.
From the search, 8 studies were selected for this systematic review. For detecting MetS risk, the optimal threshold for HGS (defined as relative HGS by adjusting for body mass) was found to be 0.422, with a sensitivity of 76.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 64.0 to 85.8) and a specificity of 62.9% (95% CI, 56.9 to 68.5). The stratification analysis by sex resulted in optimal thresholds of 0.416 for boys and 0.376 for girls. Additionally, when the data were stratified by age, the thresholds were 0.356 for children and 0.416 for adolescents.
Our results provide practical information for detecting high-risk groups and encouraging strength-related activities that may reduce the risk of MetS in children and adolescents.
Korean summary
- 본 연구는 체계적 고찰 및 메타 분석을 수행하여 아동 및 청소년의 대사 증후군(MetS) 위험을 감지하기 위한 최적의 악력 임계값을 제안했습니다.
- 본 연구 결과는 아동 및 청소년의 대사 증후군(MetS) 위험을 줄이기 위해 근력 관련 활동이 필요한 고위험군을 식별하는 데 사용할 수 있으므로 1차 임상 및 공공 의료에 실용적인 정보를 제공합니다.
Key Message
- This study conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to propose the optimal handgrip strength (HGS) threshold for detecting the risk of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents.
- The results provide practical information for primary clinical and public healthcare, as they can be used to identify high-risk groups in need of strength-related interventions to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents.
Original Articles
Association of plain water intake with self-reported depression and suicidality among Korean adolescents
Jung Woo Lee, Yookyung Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024019. Published online January 9, 2024
Supplementary Material
Adolescent depression and suicidality are serious health problems worldwide. Lower plain water intake has been proposed as a risk factor for depression in adults. This study investigated the association of daily plain water intake with self-reported depression and suicidality among Korean adolescents.
We used nationwide data from 112,250 students aged 12-18 years who participated in the Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Surveys in 2019 and 2020. Daily plain water intake was categorized as <1 glass, 1-2 glasses, and ≥3 glasses. The adjusted odds ratios (aORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for self-reported depression and suicidality were calculated using multiple regression analyses.
The weighted prevalence rates of self-reported depression, suicidal ideation, suicide planning, and suicide attempts were 26.7%, 12.0%, 3.8%, and 2.5%, respectively. Of the participants, 3.9%, 18.5%, and 77.7% were categorized into the <1 glass/day, 1-2 glass/day, and ≥3 glass/day groups, respectively. Compared to the reference group (≥3 glass/day), the lowest level of water intake (<1 glass/day) was associated with higher odds of self-reported depression (aOR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.20 to 1.39), suicidal ideation (aOR, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.27 to 1.55), suicide planning (aOR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.25 to 1.69), and suicide attempts (aOR, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.15 to 1.67). Moderately lower water intake (1-2 glass/day) showed slightly increased odds of self-reported depression (aOR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.10) and suicidal ideation (aOR, 1.08; 95% CI, 1.03 to 1.14).
Lower plain water intake was significantly associated with a higher risk of self-reported depression and suicidality among Korean adolescents. Since this cross-sectional study is unable to establish a causal relationship, it underscores the need for additional longitudinal research.
Korean summary
- 한국 청소년들에서 하루 물 섭취량이 적을수록 스스로 느끼는 우울감과 자살성향 위험이 증가하였다.
- 이 연구는 하루 물 섭취량 측정이 청소년 우울증과 자살성향을 선별할 수 있음을 시사한다.
Key Message
- Lower daily plain water intake is significantly associated with a higher risk of self-reported depression and suicidality in Korean adolescents.
- It suggests that daily plain water consumption could potentially serve as a screening indicator to identify depression and suicidality in adolescents.
Decrease in household secondhand smoking among Korean adolescents associated with smoke-free policies: grade-period-cohort and interrupted time series analyses
Hana Kim, Heewon Kang, Sung-il Cho
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024009. Published online December 13, 2023
Supplementary Material
Smoke-free areas have expanded and related campaigns have been implemented since 1995 in Korea. As a result, household secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure has decreased over the past 15 years. We assessed the cohort effect, the effect of a 2008 campaign on household SHS exposure, and the impact of a complete smoking ban in public places along with increased penalties, as implemented in December 2011.
Nationally representative cross-sectional 15-wave survey data of Korean adolescents were used. The 810,516 participants were classified into 6 grade groups, 15 period groups, and 20 middle school admission cohorts. An age-period-cohort analysis, conducted with the intrinsic estimator method, was used to assess the cohort effect of household SHS exposure, and interrupted-time series analyses were conducted to evaluate the effects of the smoke-free policy and the campaign.
For cohorts who entered middle school from 2002 to 2008, the risk of household SHS exposure decreased among both boys and girls. Immediately after implementation of the smoke-free policy, the prevalence of household SHS exposure by period decreased significantly for boys (coefficient, -8.96; p<0.05) and non-significantly for girls (coefficient, -6.99; p=0.07). After the campaign, there was a significant decrease in household SHS exposure by cohort among boys, both immediately and post-intervention (coefficient, -4.84; p=0.03; coefficient, -1.22; p=0.02, respectively).
A school-admission-cohort effect was found on household SHS exposure among adolescents, which was associated with the smoke-free policy and the campaign. Anti-smoking interventions should be implemented consistently and simultaneously.
Korean summary
지난 15년 동안 한국 청소년의 가정 내 간접흡연 노출은 감소했다. 가정 내 간접흡연 노출에 대하여 중학교 입학 코호트 효과가 존재하였다. 또한, 청소년의 가정 내 간접흡연 노출 감소는 2011년 12월 공공장소에서의 금연구역 규제와 2008년 시행된 캠페인과 연관되어 있었다.
Key Message
Household secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure among Korean adolescents has decreased over the past 15 years. There was a school admission cohort effect on household SHS exposure. A complete smoking ban in public space with increased penalties in December 2011 and a campaign in 2008 to avoid SHS exposure were associated with reduced household SHS exposure among adolescents.
Trends in the effects of socioeconomic position on physical activity levels and sedentary behavior among Korean adolescents
Hunju Lee, Hyowon Choi, Sang Baek Koh, Hyeon Chang Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023085. Published online September 8, 2023
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
We examined trends in physical activity and sedentary behavior in Korean adolescents, and their association with socioeconomic position (SEP).
We used data from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a nationwide study involving students aged 12-19 conducted between 2009 and 2021. SEP was assessed based on economic status, parental education attainment, and urbanization. Physical activity was categorized into vigorous physical activity, moderate physical activity, and muscle training, and sedentary time was also measured. We conducted the log-binomial regression to calculate prevalence ratios (PRs) and prevalence differences.
Our analysis included a total of 593,896 students. We observed an increasing trend in physical activity, but a worsening trend in sedentary behavior. A positive association was found between an adolescent’s physical activity and SEP indicators, except for urbanization. Adolescents with higher economic status engaged in more vigorous physical activity (high: PR, 1.26; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.25 to 1.28; middle: PR, 1.03; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.04). Similar associations were observed for father’s education (tertiary or above: PR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.09 to 1.13; upper secondary: PR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.03 to 1.07) and mother’s education (tertiary or above: PR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.15 to 1.20; upper secondary: PR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.08). Adolescents with higher economic status also showed a higher compliance rate with the guideline restricting sedentary time to 2 hours per day (high: PR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.25 to 1.30; middle: PR, 1.03; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.05).
Adolescents with higher SEP exhibited more physical activity and less sedentary time than those with lower SEP.
Korean summary
본 연구는 2009년부터 2021년까지 청소년의 사회경제적 지위가 신체활동과 좌식생활습관에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 청소년의 경제적 상태, 아버지와 어머니의 교육수준이 높을수록 청소년의 신체활동이 증가하고 좌식생활이 감소하였다. 그러나 청소년이 사는 지역의 도시화 정도는 영향을 미치지 않았다.
Key Message
This article analyzes the effects of an adolescent's socio-economic position on their physical activity and sedentary behavior from 2009 to 2021. The higher the adolescent's economic status, father's education, or mother's education, the more they engaged in physical activity and the less time they spent in sedentary behaviors. However, the level of urbanization in the area where the adolescent resided had no effect.
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- Global trends in importance of 24-hour movement behaviors to pediatric health: implications for South Korea
Eun-Young Lee, Reyana Jayawardena, Seiyeong Park, Justin Y Jeon, Yeon-Soo Kim, Mark S. Tremblay
Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics.2025; 68(1): 16. CrossRef - Using structural equation modeling to explore the influences of physical activity, mental health, well-being, and loneliness on Douyin usage at bedtime
Hongcheng Luo, Xing Zhang, Songpeng Su, Mingyang Zhang, Mingyue Yin, Siyuan Feng, Rui Peng, Hansen Li
Frontiers in Public Health.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - The Association between Social Isolation and Physical Activity among Korean Adolescents
Sarang Jang, Na-Young Park
Children.2024; 11(8): 1003. CrossRef - Analysis of Nutrition Knowledge After One Year of Intervention in a National Extracurricular Athletics Program: A Cross-Sectional Study with Pair-Matched Controls of Polish Adolescents
Dominika Skolmowska, Dominika Głąbska, Dominika Guzek, Jakub Grzegorz Adamczyk, Hanna Nałęcz, Blanka Mellová, Katarzyna Żywczyk, Krystyna Gutkowska
Nutrients.2024; 17(1): 64. CrossRef
Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among Korean adolescents: the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBS) 2006 to 2020
Eunji Kim, Ga Bin Lee, Dong Keon Yon, Hyeon Chang Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023033. Published online March 7, 2023
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
This study investigated recent trends in the prevalence of obesity among Korean adolescents and explored socioeconomic disparities in obesity.
This study used annual self-reported data on height, weight, and socioeconomic information from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey from 2006 to 2020. With a 95.8% response rate, the sample consisted of 818,210 adolescents. Obesity prevalence was calculated according to 4 socioeconomic indicators (household income, father’s educational attainment, mother’s educational attainment, and urbanicity). Socioeconomic inequality was quantified using the relative index of inequality (RII).
The overall prevalence of obesity increased, doubling from 5.9% in 2006 to 11.7% in 2020. Boys and high school students showed a higher prevalence. The RIIs in household income and parental educational attainments significantly increased with time, indicating a growing inequality in obesity. Socioeconomic disadvantages had a greater influence on obesity among girls. The most recent RII values for boys were 1.25 for income, 1.79 for the father’s education, and 1.45 for the mother’s education, whereas the corresponding values for girls were 2.49, 3.17, and 2.62, respectively.
These findings highlight growing inequalities in adolescent obesity according to household income and parental educational attainments, especially for girls and middle schoolers.
Korean summary
2006년부터 2020년까지 청소년 비만의 유병은 증가 추세에 있을 뿐 아니라, 가정의 경제상태, 부모의 학력수준에 따른 비만의 위험 격차도 점점 심해지는 추세를 보였다. 특히, 남학생과 고등학생의 비만 유병률이 높게 나타났으나, 사회경제적 지표에 따른 비만의 불평등 격차는 여학생과 중학생에서 높게 나타났다.
Key Message
Not only the prevalence but also socioeconomic inequality in adolescent obesity increased between 2006 and 2020. The potential impact of socioeconomic disparity on obesity was greater in girls and middle school students than their counterparts.
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- The Association Between Obesity Measures and Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Korean Adolescents Aged 10–18 Years
Munku Song, Seamon Kang, Hyunsik Kang
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.2024; Volume 17: 1769. CrossRef - Perceived Familial Financial Insecurity and Obesity Among Korean Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Fumie Kaneko, Eunji Kim, Hokyou Lee, Kokoro Shirai, Ryo Kawasaki, Hyeon Chang Kim
Journal of Epidemiology.2024; 34(12): 587. CrossRef - Obesity-related behaviors and health-related quality of life in socioeconomically vulnerable children: A cross-sectional study
Jiyoung Park, Gill ten Hoor, Jeonghyun Cho, Seohyun Won, Soorack Ryu, Siew Tiang Lau
Journal of Pediatric Nursing.2024; 78: e270. CrossRef - A Comparison of Changes in Health Behavior, Obesity, and Mental Health of Korean Adolescents Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Online Cross-Sectional Study
Mi-Sun Lee, Hooyeon Lee
Psychiatry Investigation.2023; 20(11): 1086. CrossRef
COVID-19: Special Article
Changes in mental health of Korean adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a special report using the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Bomi Park, Jihee Kim, Jieun Yang, Sunhye Choi, Kyungwon Oh
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023019. Published online February 14, 2023
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
We aimed to study the effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on adolescents’ mental health in Korea.
We used data from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2018-2021 with 227,139 students aged 12-18 years. We estimated the differences in depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and stress perception before (2018-2019) and during (2020-2021) the pandemic, as well as before (2019), the first year (2020) of, and the second year (2021) of the pandemic. We also examined whether COVID-19 is statistically associated with mental health.
In both male and female adolescents, the prevalence of depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and stress perception was higher in the “not living with family,” “low household economic status,” and “self-rated unhealthy status” subgroups. The prevalence of depressive symptoms and stress perception was higher in middle school students. Adolescents were less likely to experience depressive symptoms (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.86; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83 to 0.89), suicidal ideation (aOR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.76 to 0.83), and stress perception (aOR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.74 to 0.79) in 2020 than in 2019. However, there were more depressive symptoms (aOR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.09), suicidal ideation (aOR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.10 to 1.21), and stress perception (aOR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.16 to 1.23) in 2021 than in 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic had positive impacts on mental health of adolescents in its early stages but has had negative impacts as the pandemic continues. Attention should be paid to adolescents who are particularly vulnerable to the mental health effects of the pandemic.
Korean summary
The results from a nationally representative data showed that mental health in adolescents was improved in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic, but it was deteriorated in the second year of the pandemic compared to the first year.
Key Message
본 연구에서는 대규모 건강조사를 이용하여 코로나19가 장기화됨에 따른 영향을 평가하고자 하였다. 2018년-2021년 청소년건강행태조사에 참여한 만 12-18세 청소년 227,139 명을 대상으로 분석한 결과, 코로나19 유행 첫번째 해(2020년)에는 코로나19 유행 이전에 비해 정신건강이 개선되었으나, 코로나19 유행 두 번째 해(2021년)에는 코로나19 유행 첫 번째 해에 비해 청소년 정신건강이 나빠졌다. 또한 가족과 함께 거주하지 않는 경우, 가정 경제 수준이 낮은 경우, 본인이 건강하지 않다고 인지하는 경우에 더 취약하였다.
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- Changes in Mental Health Among Adolescents in South Korea Before and After COVID-19: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis From 2015 to 2022
Yeonjae Kim, Hyewon Park, YooWha Bhan, Donghwan Lee, Chang-Mo Oh, Weon Young Lee, Bomi Park
Journal of Adolescent Health.2025; 76(1): 72. CrossRef - Changes in psychiatric disorder incidence patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea: a study using the nationwide universal health insurance data
Changwoo Han, Juho Choi, Hoyeon Jang, Hwa-Young Lee, Tarik Benmarhnia, Juhwan Oh
BMC Psychiatry.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - Excess mortality during the Coronavirus disease pandemic in Korea
Changwoo Han, Hoyeon Jang, Juhwan Oh
BMC Public Health.2023;[Epub] CrossRef - A Comparison of Changes in Health Behavior, Obesity, and Mental Health of Korean Adolescents Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Online Cross-Sectional Study
Mi-Sun Lee, Hooyeon Lee
Psychiatry Investigation.2023; 20(11): 1086. CrossRef
COVID-19: Special Article
Changes in health behaviors and obesity of Korean adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a special report using the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Chang-Mo Oh, Yangha Kim, Jieun Yang, Sunhye Choi, Kyungwon Oh
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023018. Published online February 14, 2023
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
This study aimed to investigate changes in health behaviors, including cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, dietary behaviors, and obesity, before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic using the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey (KYRBS) database.
KYRBS data from 2015 to 2021 were used in this study. Differences in health behaviors between before (pre-pandemic period: 2018-2019) and during (pandemic period: 2020-2021) the pandemic were examined. Differences were compared using linear regression and the chi-square test considering the complex survey design after adjusting for grade level.
The prevalence of current cigarette smoking and current alcohol drinking significantly decreased in both male and female students during the pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period. However, the prevalence of obesity significantly increased in both male and female students during the same period. When examining physical activity and dietary behaviors closely related to obesity, fast food consumption increased and fruit consumption decreased during the pandemic in both male and female students, whereas no significant changes in physical activity were observed in either male or female students.
The deterioration of adolescent dietary behaviors and an increase in the prevalence of obesity can increase the future disease burden, and concerted efforts at the individual and national levels are needed to reduce obesity and promote healthy dietary behaviors.
Korean summary
이 연구는 한국 청소년건강행태조사자료(KYRBS)를 사용하여 코로나19 유행 전후의 우리나라 청소년들의 흡연, 음주, 신체활동, 식습관, 비만 등의 건강행태의 변화에 대하여 살펴보고자 하였다. 이 연구에서는 2015년부터 2021년까지의 청소년건강행태조사자료를 사용하여, 코로나19 유행 이전 (2018-2019년)과 코로나 유행 이후 (2020-2021년) 기간의 건강행태의 변화에 대하여 조사하였다. 학년레벨을 보정한 후, 복합표본설계를 고려하여 로지스틱 회귀분석과 카이제곱검정을 이용하여 코로나19 유행 이전 (2018-2019년)과 비교하여, 코로나 유행 이후 (2020-2021년) 기간의 건강행태의 변화가 있었는지에 대하여 확인하였다. 그 결과, 코로나19 유행 이전 (2018-2019년)과 비교하여, 코로나19 유행 기간(2020-2021년) 동안에 현재흡연율과 현재음주율이 유의하게 감소하였다. 그러나 동일한 기간 동안에 남학생과 여학생 모두에서 비만율이 유의하게 증가하였는데, 비만율과 관련된 신체활동 및 식습관에 대하여 살펴보았을 때, 신체활동에서는 유의한 변화가 없었던 반면, 남학생과 여학생 모두에서 패스트푸드 섭취는 증가하고 과일섭취가 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 코로나19 유행기간 동안 흡연율 및 음주율 등의 청소년 건강에 유익한 변화도 있었으나, 비만율도 같이 증가한 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 청소년기의 식습관의 악화 및 비만율의 증가는 미래 우리나라의 질병부담을 증가시킬 수 있기 때문에, 청소년의 비만율을 낮추고 건강한 식습관을 증진시키기 위한 개인 및 사회 차원의 노력이 필요하다.
Key Message
-The current cigarette smoking and current alcohol drinking rates significantly decreased among Korean adolescents during the pandemic period compared to the pre-pandemic period.
-On the other hand, the obesity rate increased significantly especially among Korean male adolescents, which is accompanied by changes in dietary habits such as an increase in fast food intake and a decrease in fruit intake.
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- Effects of changes in daily life attributed to COVID-19 on allergic diseases among Korean adolescents
Miso Park, Mi Ah Han, Jong Park, Seong Woo Choi
Journal of Asthma.2024; : 1. CrossRef - Exploring Disparities for Obesity in Korea Using Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Analysis With Cross-Classified Random Effect Models
Chang Kyun Choi, Jung-Ho Yang, Sun-Seog Kweon, Min-Ho Shin
Journal of Korean Medical Science.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - Association of parental depression with adolescent children’s psychological well-being and health behaviors
Sung-In Kim, Sung Min Kim, Sun Jae Park, Jihun Song, Jaewon Lee, Kyae Hyung Kim, Sang Min Park
BMC Public Health.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - A Comparison of Changes in Health Behavior, Obesity, and Mental Health of Korean Adolescents Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Online Cross-Sectional Study
Mi-Sun Lee, Hooyeon Lee
Psychiatry Investigation.2023; 20(11): 1086. CrossRef - Changes in Adolescent Health Behavior and the Exacerbation of Economic Hardship During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Chaeeun Kim, Haeun Lee, Kyung-Hee Jung-Choi, Hyesook Park
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2023;[Epub] CrossRef
Original Articles
Associations between digital media use and lack of physical exercise among middle-school adolescents in Korea
Gyeongmin Kim, Hyunsuk Jeong, Hyeon Woo Yim
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023012. Published online January 10, 2023
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
The reported effects of digital media overuse on physical activity among adolescents are inconsistent. This study examined the association between hours of digital media use and lack of moderate-intensity physical exercise (mPE) according to the type of digital media.
This study included 1,837 middle school students from the iCURE (Internet user Cohort for Unbiased Recognition of gaming disorder in Early Adolescence) study conducted in Korea. Hours spent using digital media were measured by self-reported daily usage time for Internet games, messengers, social media, and watching game streaming on weekdays. Lack of mPE was defined as performing a minimum of 30 minutes at a time less than twice weekly. Multivariable logistic regression analysis stratified by sex was performed.
Among male students, the group with the highest hours of using either Internet games or watching game streaming was more likely to lack mPE than each non-user group. In contrast, among male students, the group using either messengers or social media had a higher rate of mPE compared to each non-user group. Female students showed no association between hours spent using Internet games, messengers, social media, or watching game streaming and a lack of mPE.
Among male middle school students in Korea, the excessive use of Internet games or watching game streaming was associated with a lack of mPE. Thus, guidelines should be established regarding adolescent use of internet games and watching game streaming.
Korean summary
한국에서 남, 여 중학생을 대상으로 4개 인터넷 매체(인터넷 게임, 메신저, 소셜미디어, 게임 스트리밍 시청) 과다사용과 신체 운동 부재와의 연관성을 알아보기 위한 단면조사 연구를 시행하였다. 남자 중학생에서 인터넷 게임 사용 또는 게임 스트리밍 시청 시간이 가장 높은 사분위 그룹은 비이용 그룹보다 중간 강도의 신체운동 부재율이 유의하게 높았다.
Key Message
A cross-sectional study was conducted to find out the relationship between excessive use of four Internet media (internet games, messengers, social media, and game streaming) and lack of physical exercise targeting male and female middle school students in Korea. Among male middle school students, the upper quartile group with the highest Internet game use or game streaming viewing time had a significantly higher moderate-intensity physical exercise absence rate than the non-use group.
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- Social Media Addiction and Cognitive Behavioral Physical Activity Among Adolescent Girls: A Cross‐Sectional Study
Ebru Sönmez Sari, Handan Terzi, Didem Şahin
Public Health Nursing.2025; 42(1): 61. CrossRef - ‘We wanted to spend more time with each other than with our phones’. Relationship between digital disconnection and physical activity of family members
Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech
Cogent Arts & Humanities.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - Cyber Sex Crimes Targeting Children and Adolescents in South Korea: Incidents and Legal Challenges
Yujin Jang, Youngmeen Suh
Social Sciences.2024; 13(11): 596. CrossRef - Trends in the effects of socioeconomic position on physical activity levels and sedentary behavior among Korean adolescents
Hunju Lee, Hyowon Choi, Sang Baek Koh, Hyeon Chang Kim
Epidemiology and Health.2023; 45: e2023085. CrossRef
Parental concerns about COVID-19 vaccine safety and hesitancy in Korea: implications for vaccine communication
Hye-Kyung Cho, Hyunju Lee, Young June Choe, Shinkyeong Kim, Sujin Seo, Jiwon Moon, Eun Hwa Choi, Geun-Yong Kwon, Jee Yeon Shin, Sang-Yoon Choi, Mi Jin Jeong, Myoungsoon You
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023004. Published online December 13, 2022
Web of Science
Vaccination is one of the most important strategies to contain the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Vaccination in children is dependent on their parents, making it important to understand parents’ awareness and attitudes toward vaccines in order to devise strategies to raise vaccination rates in children.
A web-based nationwide survey was conducted among Korean parents of 7-year-old to 18-year-old children in August 2021 to estimate parents’ intention to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 and identify key factors affecting parental acceptance and hesitancy through regression analysis.
Approximately 56.4% (575/1,019) were willing to vaccinate their children against COVID-19. Contributing factors to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy were being a mother (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.36; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.25 to 0.52), a lower education level (aOR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.70 to 0.97), hesitancy to other childhood vaccines (aOR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.64 to 0.96), and refusal to vaccinate themselves (aOR, 0.08; 95% CI, 0.02 to 0.20). Having older children (aOR, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.13 to 1.28), trusting the child’s doctor (aOR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.07 to 1.32), positive perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine’s effectiveness (aOR, 2.60; 95% CI, 1.90 to 3.57) and perceiving the COVID-19 vaccine as low-risk (aOR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.27 to 2.24) were associated with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Concerns about adverse reactions were the most common cause of hesitancy.
Providing parents with accurate and reliable information on vaccine effectiveness and safety is important to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake in children. Differential or targeted approaches to parents according to gender, age, and their children’s age are necessary for effective communication about vaccination in children.
Korean summary
부모에게 백신 효과와 안전성에 대한 정확하고 믿을만한 정보를 제공하는 것이 소아 코로나19 백신 접종률을 높이는데 중요하다. 자녀의 백신 접종에 대한 의사소통을 효율적으로 하기 위해서는 부모의 성별과 연령, 자녀의 연령을 고려한 차별적인 접근 방법이 필요하다.
Key Message
To improve COVID-19 vaccine uptake in children, it's crucial to provide parents with reliable and precise information about vaccine safety and effectiveness. Targeted communication strategies that consider factors such as the age of the parents and their children, as well as gender, may be necessary to effectively convey this information.
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- Safety of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in children with chronic kidney disease: a national population study from South Korea
Young June Choe, Yo-Han Ahn, Eunsun Gwak, Eunseo Jo, Jinseob Kim, Seung-Ah Choe
Pediatric Nephrology.2024; 39(2): 625. CrossRef - Assessing the determinants of influenza and COVID-19 vaccine co-administration decisions in the elderly
Seunghyun Lewis Kwon, So-Yeon Kim, Minju Song, Hyung-Min Lee, Seon-Hwa Ban, Mi-Soon Lee, Hyesun Jeong
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - Descriptive cross-sectional study to evaluate perception, attitude, and practice of parents regarding COVID-19 vaccination in children 10–12 years of age—A step toward prevention of future COVID-19 outbreaks in India
Vivek Mehta, Deep Inder, Pawan Kumar, Anupma Raheja
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.2024; 13(5): 2104. CrossRef - Comparative safety of monovalent and bivalent mRNA COVID-19 booster vaccines in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years in the Republic of Korea
Mijeong Ko, Seontae Kim, Seok-Kyoung Choi, Seung Hwan Shin, Yeon-Kyeng Lee, Yunhyung Kwon
Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives.2024; 15(4): 364. CrossRef - Pediatric asthma and COVID-19 vaccination: unveiling patterns of hesitancy and acceptance
Marzieh Tavakol, Saber Gharagozlou, Mohammad Abbasi, Zahra Zamani, Mohammad Gharagozlou
Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - Vaccine Hesitancy and Its Epistemic Antecedents: A Meta-Analysis
Emily A. Andrews, Nathan Walter, Yotam Ophir, Dror Walter, Christiana L. Robbins
Health Communication.2024; : 1. CrossRef - Willingness and hesitancy of parents to vaccinate against COVID-19 their children ages 6 months to 4 years with frail conditions in Italy
Grazia Miraglia del Giudice, Giorgia Della Polla, Mario Postiglione, Italo Francesco Angelillo
Frontiers in Public Health.2023;[Epub] CrossRef - Associations between Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Maternal Attitudes towards Childhood Vaccination in Cyprus—A Cross-Sectional Survey
Maria Kyprianidou, Georgia Fakonti, Eleana Tzira, Magdalini Pylli, Konstantinos Giannakou
COVID.2023; 3(7): 1042. CrossRef
Changes in eating behaviors according to household income in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Hye Ah Lee, Ho Jung Lee, Bomi Park, Yoonhee Shin, Hyunjin Park, Hyesook Park
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022102. Published online November 9, 2022
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
To assess social inequalities in changes in dietary behaviors among adolescents during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we compared changes in dietary behavior indicators by household income.
Using cross-sectional data from the 2019 and 2020 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the prevalence of dietary behaviors in adolescents (12-18 years old) was estimated and changes in dietary behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic were evaluated. We assessed changes in dietary behaviors with a household income (as a measure of socioeconomic status, SES) disparity.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the average consumption of vegetables decreased and food insecurity worsened. Adolescents were more likely to skip breakfast than before COVID-19 (33.1 and 37.4%). Soft drink consumption also increased in 2020 from 2019 (7.6 and 14.8%), especially among boys. Average sugar intake and sodium intake showed a tendency to decrease only in girls, but there was no significant difference according to SES level. Skipping breakfast was particularly evident in the low-SES group, and the difference according to household income level (high vs. low) was greater during COVID-19 than before. The prevalence of soft drink consumption increased significantly in the low-SES group, but the rate of increase did not differ by SES level.
We found that the social disparity in skipping breakfast was further aggravated during the COVID-19 pandemic. To reach a better understanding of the dietary behaviors of adolescents, continuous monitoring is necessary.
Korean summary
국민건강영양조사 자료를 활용하여, COVID-19 팬데믹 전후 청소년의 식생활 변화 및 가구소득 수준에 따른 차이를 평가하였다. 대체로, 평균 채소 섭취량은 감소하고 탄산음료 소비는 증가한 것으로 나타났으며, 아침식사 결식율도 약간 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 게다가, 가구소득 수준에 따라 평가하였을 때, 아침식사 결식율 증가는 가구소득이 높은 군에 비해 가구소득 수준이 낮은 군에서 두드러진 것으로 나타났다. COVID-19 팬데믹이 장기화됨에 따라, 청소년의 식생활 변화에 대해서는 지속적인 모니터링이 필요하다.
Key Message
Using data from the 2019 and 2020 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, changes in dietary behaviors of adolescents (12-18 years old) during the COVID-19 pandemic were evaluated. During the COVID-19 pandemic, average consumption of vegetables decreased and consumption of soft drinks increased in 2020 from 2019 (7.6% and 14.8%). In addition, the social disparity in skipping breakfast among adolescents was further aggravated. To reach a better understanding of the dietary behaviors of adolescents, continuous monitoring is necessary.
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- Dietary Changes of Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review
Nicolas Woods, Jamie A Seabrook, Holly Schaafsma, Shauna Burke, Trish Tucker, Jason Gilliland
The Journal of Nutrition.2024; 154(4): 1376. CrossRef - Perceived Familial Financial Insecurity and Obesity Among Korean Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Fumie Kaneko, Eunji Kim, Hokyou Lee, Kokoro Shirai, Ryo Kawasaki, Hyeon Chang Kim
Journal of Epidemiology.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - Intake of energy and macronutrients according to household income among elementary, middle, and high school students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study
Chae-Eun Jeong, Heejin Lee, Jung Eun Lee
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2024; 29(3): 234. CrossRef - Analysis of health behavior, mental health, and nutritional status among Korean adolescents before and after COVID-19 outbreak: based on the 2019–2020 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Misun Lee, Sarang Jeong, Chong-Su Kim, Yoon Jung Yang
Journal of Nutrition and Health.2023; 56(6): 667. CrossRef
Smokeless tobacco consumption and its association with tobacco control factors in the Western Pacific Region: results from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2015-2019
Chandrashekhar T. Sreeramareddy, Anusha Manoharan
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022103. Published online November 8, 2022
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
We estimated the prevalence of smokeless tobacco (ST) consumption and its associations with tobacco control factors among school-going youth in 18 Western Pacific Region (WPR) countries.
We analyzed school-based Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2014-2019) microdata from 18 WPR countries and estimated weighted prevalence rates of ST consumption, cigarette smoking, and dual use. We used multilevel binary logistic regression to examine the associations of ST consumption and dual use with demographic variables, exposure to pro-tobacco and anti-tobacco factors, national income, and MPOWER indicators.
Data from 58,263 school-going youth were analyzed. The prevalence of past 30-day ST consumption was highest in Kiribati (42.1%), the Marshall Islands (26.1%), Micronesia (21.3%), Palau (16.0%), and Papua New Guinea (15.2%). In adjusted multilevel models, ST consumption and dual use were significantly associated with sex, age, parental smoking, pro-tobacco factors, national income, and MPOWER score. For each unit increase in score for cessation programs, we observed approximately 1.4-fold increases in the odds of youth ST consumption (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.38; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.15 to 1.66) and dual use (aOR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.16 to 1.86). Similarly, for each unit increase in score for health-related warnings, the odds of both ST consumption (aOR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.42 to 0.53) and dual use (aOR, 0.35; 95% CI, 0.30 to 0.42) decreased by approximately 60%.
The prevalence of youth ST consumption was substantial in the Pacific Islands, exceeding that of cigarette smoking in some countries. Implementing MPOWER measures for ST products could help reduce ST consumption.
Key Message
The prevalence of smokeless tobacco consumption, and cigarette smoking is considerably high among the school going youth in five pacific island nations of Western Pacific Region.
Exposure to pro-tobacco factors and parental smoking were positively associated with youth smokeless tobacco consumption as well as dual use (both smokeless tobacco and cigarettes smoking)
Closer monitoring and strict tobacco control policies are needed to prevent further escalation of smokeless tobacco consumption.
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- Impact of Smokeless Oral Nicotine Products on Cardiovascular Disease: Implications for Policy, Prevention, and Treatment: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association
Cheryl R. Dennison Himmelfarb, Neal L. Benowitz, Melissa D. Blank, Aruni Bhatnagar, Paul J. Chase, Esa M. Davis, Jessica L. Fetterman, Brittney Keller-Hamilton, Oluwabunmi Ogungbe, Robert L. Page, Mary Rezk-Hanna, Rose Marie Robertson, Laurie P. Whitsel
Circulation.2025;[Epub] CrossRef - Regional Variations in the Prevalence of Risk Factors and Non-Communicable Diseases in Papua New Guinea: A Scoping Review
Bobby Porykali, Ryley Gronau, Phyllis Tran, Juliana Chen, Margaret Allman-Farinelli, Anna Rangan, Shelina Porykali, Robin Oge, Hans Nogua, Alyse Davies
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2025; 22(1): 102. CrossRef - Single, Dual, and Poly Use of Tobacco Products, and Associated Factors Among Adults in 18 Global Adult Tobacco Survey Countries During 2015–2021
Chandrashekhar T. Sreeramareddy, Kiran Acharya, N. RamakrishnaReddy
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Cohort Profile
The Asenze Cohort Study in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: protocol and cohort profile
Chris Desmond, Gabriella A. Norwitz, Jane D. Kvalsvig, Rachel S. Gruver, Shuaib Kauchali, Kathryn G. Watt, Nonhlanhla P. Myeza, Adele Munsami, Leslie L. Davidson
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022037. Published online April 5, 2022
Web of Science
The Asenze cohort is set in South Africa, a middle-income country impacted by one of the highest global rates of people living with HIV/AIDS and high levels of socioeconomic inequality. This longitudinal population-based cohort of children and their primary caregivers assesses household and caregiver functioning, child health, social well-being, and neuro-development from childhood through adolescence. Almost 1,600 children born at the peak of the human immunodeficiency virus epidemic (2003-2005) were followed (with their primary caregivers) in 3 waves, between 2008 and 2021, at average ages of 5, 7, and 16. Wave 3 is currently underway, having assessed over 1,100 of the original wave 1 children. Wave 4 begins in 2022. The study, with a dyadic structure, uses a broad range of measures, validated in South Africa or recommended for global use, that address physical, social and neuro-development in childhood and adolescence, and the social, health, and psychological status of children’s primary caregivers. The Asenze study deepens our understanding of childhood physical, cognitive, and social abilities and/or disabilities, including risk-taking behaviors, and biological, environmental, and social determinants of health. We anticipate the findings will contribute to the development of community-informed interventions to promote well-being in this South African population and elsewhere.
Key Message
The Asenze Cohort Study, one of a limited number of population-based studies set in low- and middle-income countries, with a high level of retention, provides an understanding of neuro-developmental, psychosocial, home environmental and economic exposures and outcomes of over 1100 adolescents and their primary caregivers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
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- The social determinants of adolescent anxiety and depression in peri-urban South Africa
Laura Rossouw, Kathryn Watt, Leslie L. Davidson, Chris Desmond, Karli Montague-Cardoso
PLOS Mental Health.2024; 1(6): e0000173. CrossRef - The impact of caregiver mental health on child prosocial behavior: A longitudinal analysis of children and caregivers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Gabriella A. Norwitz, Chris Desmond, Rachel S. Gruver, Jane D. Kvalsvig, Amaleah F. Mirti, Shuaib Kauchali, Leslie L. Davidson, Giulia Ballarotto
PLOS ONE.2023; 18(10): e0290788. CrossRef
Original Articles
Impact of water fluoridation on dental caries decline across racial and income subgroups of Brazilian adolescents
Rafael Aiello Bomfim, Paulo Frazão
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022007. Published online January 3, 2022
Supplementary Material
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of community water fluoridation (CWF) on differences in dental caries decline across racial and socioeconomic subgroups of Brazilian adolescents.
Two nationwide Brazilian population-based oral health surveys were used (Brazilian Oral Health Survey 2003 and 2010). In total, 7,198 adolescents from 15 years to 19 years old living in 50 cities investigated in both surveys were included. The mean numbers of untreated decayed teeth (DT) according to racial (Whites vs. Browns/Blacks) and socioeconomic subgroups (at or above the minimum wage per capita vs. under) were analysed. Difference-in-differences negative binomial regressions were adjusted by schooling, age, and sex. Decayed, missing, and filled teeth and DT prevalence, calculated as a categorical variable, were used in sensitivity analyses.
The adjusted difference of reduction in DT was similar across socioeconomic subgroups (β=-0.05; 95% confidence interval [CI], -0.45 to 0.35) and favoured, but not to a significant degree, Whites (β=-0.34; 95% CI, -0.74 to 0.04) compared to Brown/Blacks in fluoridated areas. In non-fluoridated areas, significant differences were observed in the mean number of DT, favouring the higher socioeconomic subgroup (β=-0.26; 95% CI, -0.53 to -0.01) and Whites (β=-0.40; 95% CI, -0.69 to -0.11) in relation to their counterparts. The sensitivity analyses confirmed the findings.
The similar reduction in DT across income subgroups suggests that CWF has had a beneficial effect on tackling income inequalities in dental caries within a 7-year timeframe.
Key Message
Community Water Fluoridation tackled income and racial inequalities in dental caries in adolescents aged 15-19 years between 2003 and 2010 in Brazil.
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- Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries
Zipporah Iheozor-Ejiofor, Tanya Walsh, Sharon R Lewis, Philip Riley, Dwayne Boyers, Janet E Clarkson, Helen V Worthington, Anne-Marie Glenny, Lucy O'Malley
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Age-specific effects of ozone on pneumonia in Korean children and adolescents: a nationwide time-series study
Kyoung-Nam Kim, Youn-Hee Lim, Sanghyuk Bae, In Gyu Song, Soontae Kim, Yun-Chul Hong
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022002. Published online December 28, 2021
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
The aim of this study was to estimate the age-specific effects of 8-hour maximum ozone levels on pneumonia in children and adolescents.
We performed quasi-Poisson regression analyses for individuals of 0-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years, and 15-19 years of age using nationwide time-series data from the Korea (2011-2015). We constructed distributed lag linear models employing a generalized difference-in-differences method and controlling for other air pollutants.
A 10.0-parts per billion increase in 8-hour maximum ozone levels was associated with a higher risk of hospital admissions due to pneumonia at 0-4 (relative risk [RR], 1.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.01 to 1.03) and 5-9 years of age (RR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.08), but not at 10-14 (RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.98 to 1.04) or 15-19 years of age (RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.97 to 1.06). The association between ozone and hospital admissions due to pneumonia was stronger in cool seasons (from November to April) than in warm seasons (from May to October), but was similar between boys and girls.
Short-term exposure to ozone was associated with a higher risk of pneumonia at 0-4 years and 5-9 years of age, but not at 10-14 years or 15-19 years of age. Our findings can help identify vulnerable periods, determine the target populations for public health interventions, and establish air pollution standards.
Korean summary
-어린이와 청소년에서 대기오염물질인 오존에 단기 노출되었을 때 폐렴으로 인한 입원 위험이 증가하는지를 건강보험공단 청구자료를 이용하여 구축한 시계열자료로 분석하였다.
-0-4세, 5-9세 군에서는 오존 단기 노출 시 폐렴으로 인한 입원 위험이 증가하였으나 10-14세, 15-19세 군에서는 입원 위험 증가가 관찰되지 않았다.
Key Message
• The effects of ozone levels on hospital admissions for pneumonia were evaluated.
• We used quasi-Poisson time-series models and a difference-in-differences method.
• Ozone levels increased hospital admissions for pneumonia at ages 0–4 and 5–9 years.
• Evidence for the effects of ozone levels on pneumonia was not found at older ages.
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