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COVID-19: Special Article
Epidemiologic characteristics of early cases with 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) disease in Korea
Moran Ki, Task Force for 2019-nCoV
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020007.   Published online February 9, 2020
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
In about 20 days since the diagnosis of the first case of the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Korea on January 20, 2020, 28 cases have been confirmed. Fifteen patients (53.6%) of them were male and median age of was 42 years (range, 20-73). Of the confirmed cases, 16, 9, and 3 were index (57.2%), first-generation (32.1%), and second-generation (10.7%) cases, respectively. All first-generation and second-generation patients were family members or intimate acquaintances of the index cases with close contacts. Fifteen among 16 index patients had entered Korea from January 19 to 24, 2020 while 1 patient had entered Korea on January 31, 2020. The average incubation period was 3.9 days (median, 3.0), and the reproduction number was estimated as 0.48. Three of the confirmed patients were asymptomatic when they were diagnosed. Epidemiological indicators will be revised with the availability of additional data in the future. Sharing epidemiological information among researchers worldwide is essential for efficient preparation and response in tackling this new infectious disease.
Korean summary
2020년 1월 20일 한국의 신종코로나바이러스 감염자가 확진된 이후 약 20일만에 28명이 확진되었다. 확진자중 지표환자가 16명(57.2%), 1세대환자 9명(32.1%), 2세대환자가 3명(10.7%)이다. 지표환자 16명중 15명은 1월 19일-24일에, 1명은 1월 31일에 국내에 입국하였다. 환자들의 잠복기는 평균 3.9일 (중위값 3일), 감염재생산수(R)는 0.48로 추정되었다. 확진자 중 3명은 증상이 없는 상태에서 확진이 되었다. 향후 새로운 정보가 나오면 역학 지표들이 수정될 것이다.


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