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The effects of mental health on recurrent falls among elderly adults, based on Korean Community Health Survey data
Kyung Hee Jo, Jong Park, So Yeon Ryu
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020005.   Published online February 2, 2020
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
This study aimed to identify the effect of mental health on frequency of falls (single and recurrent falls) among elderly adults.
Data were drawn from the 2015 Korean Community Health Survey. A chi-square test was conducted to compare differences in fall frequency according to health-related behaviors, chronic diseases, and mental health. Subsequently, multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to identify the effects of mental health on single and recurrent falls based on variables found to be significant in the chi-square test.
Recurrent falls were found to be more risky than single falls. Depression was significantly related to single falls (odds ratio [OR], 1.27; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.12 to 1.44). Depression (OR, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.38 to 1.76), sleep disorder (5 hours or less: OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.23; more than 9 hours: OR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.07 to 1.44, respectively), and subjective stress (OR, 2.30; 95% CI, 1.90 to 2.78) were significantly related to recurrent falls.
The study’s findings suggest that specialized fall prevention programs are needed to address different types of falls in elderly adults. To prevent recurrent falls, systematic treatment strategies and rehabilitation training must improve physical function and mental health.
Korean summary
우리나라 노인에서 정신건강이 낙상에 미치는 영향을 확인하였고, 그 결과 단순낙상은 우울감 경험을 한 경우 낙상발생 위험이 증가했으며, 반복낙상은 우울감을 경험하고, 수면장애가 있으며(수면시간 6시간 미만, 9시간 이상), 주관적 스트레스가 커질수록 낙상 위험이 증가하였다. 최종적으로 노인의 정신건강이 반복낙상에 미치는 영향이 더 큰 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구결과를 통해 낙상 예방 및 관리를 위한 보건사업을 제시하고, 반복낙상자의 정신적/신체적 기능 증진을 위한 치료전략과 재활훈련 계획의 근거자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.


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Metabolic Syndrome and Serum Alanine Aminotransferase Levels in Korean Adults : The Third Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III), 2005.
Mi Ah Han, So Yeon Ryu, Jong Park, Myung Geun Kang, Ki Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):25-33.   Published online June 30, 2008
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The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the metabolic syndrome and alanine aminotransferase(SGPT) levels in Korean adults.
The study subjects were 4,325 adults aged > or = 19 years without an apparent cause of liver disease from the Third Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(2005). The metabolic syndrome was defined using criteria established by the NCEP/ATP III, while abdominal obesity was assessed based on the Asia-Pacific guidelines. Subjects with SGPT > or = 40 IU/L were considered to have elevated SGPT levels. Demographic characteristics, waist circumference, blood pressure, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, fasting blood sugar were recorded for statistical analysis.
The prevalence of elevated SGPT levels was significantly increase with the presence of the metabolic syndrome and its components. In multiple logistic regression analyses, odds ratio for the elevated SGPT levels was significantly high in the subjects with the metabolic syndrome compared to the subjects without metabolic syndrome after adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics and health-related behavior.
The metabolic syndrome was independently associated with SGPT levels in Korean adults.
A study on the relationship between HBeAg and hepatitis B virus DNAamong healthy HBsAg carries.
Yoo Sik Hahm, Hai Rim Shin, Hyung Jong Park, Sung Ryul Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1992;14(1):48-58.
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The study was carried out at 3 health centers in Ulsan city to investigate the relationship between HBeAg, which is considered to be associated with infectivity, and hepatitis B viral DNA, which seems to be related with viral replication, among those who received health examination. Two hundred of HBsAg carriers, randomly sampled, from populatin 6,408 who have received health examination were examined serological tests including HBeAg, liver function test(AST, ALT and γ-GTP), IgG Anti-HBc, DNA probe(Dot blot hybridization method) to detect HBV DNA and Anti-HCV to investigate coinfection rate with hepatitis C virus simultaneously from December 18, 1991 to April 10, 1992.
are as follows : 1. The prevalence of HBs Antigenemia(HBsAg Positive) was 6.2% (400 persons) and the prevalence of Anti-HBc was 28.1% (1,798 persons) among 6,408 population who are examined by serological test with HBsAg and Anti-HBs. 2. Male to female ratio was 0.9 : 1 and average age was 29.5 in male, 30.9 in female among study subjects. 3. Among 200 HBsAg carriers, HBeAg positive rate was 36% (72 subjects). 4. The result of LFT carried out HBeAg positive 72 subjects was not significant statistically. (ALT : x2=3.64 p>0.05, AST : x2=3.85 p>0.05, γ-GTP:X2=0.12 p=0.73). 5. Among 72 HBeAg carriers, positive rate of IgG Anti-HBc was 88.9% (64 subjects) : it is likely to be chronic hepatitis. 6. Among 200 HBsAg carriers, HBV DNA was detected in 44 HBsAg carriers, 20 in male and 24 in female by using DNA probe(Dot blot hybridization method) : the level of HBV DNA was 31.2 pg/75μl~4.00 pg/75 μl. 7. Among 72 HBeAg carriers-generally repressents hepatitis B viral infectivity, hepatitis B virus(HBV) DNA-marker of hepatitis B virus replication was detected in 37 subjects : HBV DNA level under 500 pg/75 μl was highest frequency(14 subjects). 8. Though the LFT of HBV DNA positive sera was not significant statistically, the lower was level of HBV DNA, the more abnormal was LFT ; it represents chronic active hepatitis. 9. The co-infection rate of HBV and hepatitis C virus(HCV) was 4% (8 subjects) in HBsAg carriers. Consequently, it was general concept that HBeAg is the marker of infectivity in HBsAg carriers but HBV DNA was detected in some HBeAg negative sera, and not detected in some HBeAg positive sera ; because of the gap between HBeAg-marker of infectivity generally, and replication of HBV DNA-actually infective, it is unreasonable to determine the infectivity by HBeAg only. The infectivity of HBV in HBsAg carriers was may be determined by detection of HBV DNA only, not HBeAg in clinical fields and various examinations.
The Study on the Association between Smoking and Coronary Artery Stenosis in Some Autopsy Cases.
Ik Jo Chung, Ki Soon Kim, Jong Park, So Yeon Ryu, Youn Shin Kim, Won Tae Lee, Sung Chul Lim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2000;22(1):42-51.
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Coronary artery disease(CAD), such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and sudden death has been considered the major cause of death for decades and their incidence and prevalence are still increasing. Numerous studies have been done on the risk factor analysis of CAD. But, they were usually based on the clinical and epidemiologic studies of the living patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the risk factors for the cardiovascular diseases in autopsy cases from Korean men. The author analysed 81 cases of heart who underwent legal autopsy from Aug. to Dec. 1998. The author measured percent stenosis of coronary artery, site of stenosis, perimeter of aorta, heart weight, body weight, and height and checked the past history including smoking, drinking and age. The results were as follows: 1) Coronary artery stenosis had a positive correlation with age, perimeter of aorta and smoking, but had no correlation with body weight, height, body mass index, heart weight, and drinking. 2) According to the logistic regression analysis, smoking amount and age were significantly associated with coronary artery stenosis. In conclusion, smoking was the most significant independent variable for coronary artery stenosis of some Korean men.
Evaluation Studies
An Evaluation Study on the Cardiovascular Risk Factors of the Staff in a University.
Ki Soon Kim, Chan Guk Park, Soon Pyo Hong, Yang Ok Kim, Jong Park, So Yeong Ryu
Korean J Epidemiol. 1996;18(1):64-75.
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To get basic data for the development of health care toward the staff of a university, an evaluation study of the risk factors for the cardiovascular disease utilizing data from questionnaire and health examination performed in 1994 for 1233 staff of Chosun University and its affiliated Hospital. The results are as follows: 1. The mean values of systolic blood pressure was 122.0+/-14.7mmHg for the male and 111.8+/-12. lmmHg for the female. The mean values of diastolic blood pressure was 82. 5+/-12.0mmHg for the male and 73.7+/-10.0mmHg for the female. The mean values of serum total cholesterol was 185.6+/-33.4mg/dl for the male and 173.5+/-32.6mg/dl for the female. The mean values of body mass index(BMI) was 23. l+/-2.4kg/m2 for the male and 21.5+/-2.3kg/m2 for the female. The smoking rate of the male was 47. 6% and that of the female was 0.4%. 2. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels increased with age in both sexes. Under 55 years of age the mean blood pressures of the male were higher than that of the female, but the levels of both sexes at 55-64 year old group did not show any big difference. The mean values of serum total cholesterol and BMI also increased with age in both sexes. Under 45 years of age, the serum cholesterol and BMI levels of the male were higher than that of the female, but on the contrary, levels of the male were lower than that of the female at 55-64 year old groups. The mean cholestrol and BMI levels of both sexes at 45-54 year old group was similar. As the age increases, the rate of exsmoker increased and the rate of current smoker decreased among the male. 3. The additive cardiovascular risk scores were calculated considering the values of blood pressure, serum total cholesterol level and the smoking status. The distribution curve of risk scores for the male showed 39. 1% under 4 points and 60.9% above 4 points with the peak at 4 points. 61.7% of the female showed that the risk scores were under 4 points and the rest was more than 4 points with maximum 9 points. As a whole the risk scores of the female were lower than that of the male. 4. By the analysis of association between the risk score of cardiovascular disease and the subjective symptom under the stratification of age and sex, the prevalence of exertional dyspnea was significantly higher at 35-44 year male group and prevalence of dizziness was significantly higher at 45-64 year male group as the risk score of cardiovascular disease increased. Among 25 34 year and 45-64 year female group persons with lower risk score of cardiovascular disease showed higher prevalence of dizziness than persosns with higher risk score.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health