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Seasonality of tuberculosis in the Republic of Korea, 2006-2016
Eun Hee Kim, Jong-Myon Bae
Epidemiol Health. 2018;40:e2018051.   Published online October 20, 2018
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
While the seasonality of notified tuberculosis has been identified in several populations, there is not a descriptive epidemiological study on the seasonality of tuberculosis in Korea. This study aimed to evaluate the seasonality of tuberculosis in Korea from 2006 to 2016.
Data regarding notified cases of tuberculosis by year and month was obtained from the Infectious Diseases Surveillance Yearbook, 2017 published by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Seasonal decomposition was conducted using the method of structural model of time series analysis with simple moving averages.
While the trough season was winter from 2006 to 2016, the peak season was summer between 2006 and 2012, but shifted to spring between 2013 and 2016.
Notified tuberculosis in Korea also showed seasonality. It is necessary to evaluate factors related to the seasonality of tuberculosis for controlling tuberculosis.
Korean summary
2006-2016년 신고된 신환자의 연보를 근거로 결핵발생의 계절성 여부를 분석한 결과, 2006-2012년까지는 여름, 2013년이후는 봄에 발생 신고율이 높은 계절성을 확인하였다. 계절성을 야기하는 이유들을 찾아서 향후 결핵 예방에 활용할 필요가 있다.


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Vitamin D supplementation as a control program against latent tuberculosis infection in Korean high school students
Eun Hee Kim, Jong-Myon Bae
Epidemiol Health. 2018;40:e2018035.   Published online July 27, 2018
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
The prevalence of latnet Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in the first-grade high school students in South Korea was 2.1%, which was the lowest level at congregated settings in 2017. For LTBI cases refusing anti-tuberculosis (TB) medication or having poor compliance, additional support should be considered. Eight systematic reviews concluded that vitamin D (VD) deficiency is a risk factor for TB. While three of four South Korean adolescents were VD deficiency, VD supplementation could be a practical remedy to protect LTBI students of refusing anti-TB medication or having poor compliance.
Korean summary
잠복결핵검진 검사 양성자이면서 항결핵제 복용을 거부하는 고1학생에 대한 사후 조치가 필요하다. 그동안의 연구결과들에 근거할 때, 잠복결핵이 활동성결핵으로의 전환을 억제하기 위해서 비타민 D 보충제의 투여를 검토해 볼 수 있다.


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Dietary intakes of citrus fruit and risk of gastric cancer incidence: an adaptive meta-analysis of cohort studies
Jong-Myon Bae, Eun Hee Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2016;38:e2016034.   Published online July 25, 2016
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
In the context of supplementary antioxidants having no anticancer effect, it is important to update the meta-analysis to evaluate whether there is an association between intake of citrus fruit and gastric cancer risk.
The list of articles to be searched was established using citation discovery tools provided by PubMed and Scopus. The effect size of each article to be used in meta-analysis was calculated using the interval-collapse method. Summary effect size (sES) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were obtained by conducting this meta-analysis. Random effect dose–response meta-regression (DRMR) was performed to investigate the dose–response relationship.
A total of five cohort studies were selected. The result was 13% reduction of gastric cancer according to the intake of citrus fruit (sES, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.76 to 0.99; I-squared=69.6%). In subgroup analysis, it was found that the intake of citrus fruit inhibited cardia gastric cancer (CGC) (sES, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.55 to 0.81; I-squared=46.1%) and as a result of DRMR, 100 g of citrus fruit intake per day inhibits CGC by 40% (relative risk, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.83).
It is suggested that the intake of citrus fruit inhibits the development of CGC. This conclusion can be used as a primary prevention measure in the future when the incidence of CGC may be on the rise.
Korean summary
항산화제 첨가제가 항암효과가 없다는 결론이 난 상황에서, 감귤섭취가 위암발생을 억제한다는 기존의 체계적 고찰연구에 대한 갱신 메타연구를 수행하였다. PubMed와 Scopus에서 제공하는 citation discovery tools를 활용하여 총 5편의 코호트 연구 논문을 선정하였다. 감귤섭취에 따라 위암발생을 13% 억제하며 (sES=0.87, 95% CI: 0.76-0.99, I-squared: 69.6%), 특히 위문부 위암을 억제한다고 나왔다 (sES= 0.67, 95% CI: 0.55-0.81, I-squared=46.1%), 또한, 하루 100 gram 감귤섭취를 하면 CGC 를 40% 억제하는 것으로 나왔다 (RR=0.60, 95% CI: 0.44-0.83).


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Human papillomavirus infection and risk of lung cancer in never-smokers and women: an ‘adaptive’ meta-analysis
Jong-Myon Bae, Eun Hee Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2015;37:e2015052.   Published online November 17, 2015
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
The incidence of lung cancer in Koreans is increasing in women and in both men and women with a never-smoking history. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been suggested as a modifiable risk factor of lung cancer in never-smokers and women (LCNSW). This systematic review (SR) aimed to evaluate an association between HPV infection and lung cancer risk in LCNSW.
Based on a prior SR and some expert reviews, we identified refereed, cited, or related articles using the PubMed and Scopus databases. All case-control studies that reported the odds ratio of HPV infection in LCNSW were selected. An estimate of the summary odds ratio (SOR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) was calculated.
A total of four case-control studies were included. The fixed-effect model was applied because of homogeneity (I-squared=0.0%). The SORs in women and in never-smokers were 5.32 (95% CI, 1.75 to 16.17) and 4.78 (2.25 to 10.15) respectively.
These results showed a significant effect of HPV infection in LCNSW. It is evident that developing a preventive plan against LCNSW may be necessary.


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    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2016; 49(2): 129.     CrossRef
Original Article
Distribution of dense breasts using screening mammography in Korean women: a retrospective observational study
Jong-Myon Bae, Sang Yop Shin, Eun Hee Kim, Yoon-Nam Kim, Chung Mo Nam
Epidemiol Health. 2014;36:e2014027.   Published online November 4, 2014
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AbstractAbstract PDF
This retrospective observational study evaluated the distribution of dense breasts by age group among healthy Korean women.
Participants were women aged 30 years and older who voluntarily underwent screening mammography between January 2007 and December 2011. Women who received the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System for mammographic density of 3 or 4 were defined as having dense breasts. The proportion of women with dense breasts (PDB, %) was calculated by dividing the number of participants with dense breasts by the total number of participants.
Among the 231,058 women who participated, 78.15% were classified as having dense breasts. PDB was highest in the youngest age group (PDB=94.87%) and lowest in the oldest age group. The greatest difference in PDB between adjacent age groups was observed in the group aged 60-64 years.
The results show that the proportion of dense breasts by age group increased in all age groups, except in those aged 35-39 years. These findings suggest an association between the age distribution of dense breasts and trends in breast cancer incidence. Further studies are needed to estimate the change in breast cancer incidence rate by age and the accumulation of fatty breast tissue in Korean women.


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  • Concordant and discordant breast density patterns by different approaches for assessing breast density and breast cancer risk
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    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Recent advances of small extracellular vesicle biomarkers in breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis
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  • Comparison of ultrasound and mammography for early diagnosis of breast cancer among Chinese women with suspected breast lesions: A prospective trial
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  • A multicenter, hospital-based and non-inferiority study for diagnostic efficacy of automated whole breast ultrasound for breast cancer in China
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  • A deep learning-based automated diagnostic system for classifying mammographic lesions
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  • The effect of sex hormones on normal breast tissue metabolism
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  • Effect of Different Types of Mammography Equipment on Screening Outcomes: A Report by the Alliance for Breast Cancer Screening in Korea
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    Korean Journal of Radiology.2019; 20(12): 1638.     CrossRef
  • Portable impulse-radar detector for breast cancer: a pilot study
    Shinsuke Sasada, Norio Masumoto, Hang Song, Keiko Kajitani, Akiko Emi, Takayuki Kadoya
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  • Effect of mammography screening on stage at breast cancer diagnosis: results from the Korea National Cancer Screening Program
    Kui Son Choi, Minjoo Yoon, Seung Hoon Song, Mina Suh, Boyoung Park, Kyu Won Jung, Jae Kwan Jun
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  • Sensitivity and specificity of mammography and adjunctive ultrasonography to screen for breast cancer in the Japan Strategic Anti-cancer Randomized Trial (J-START): a randomised controlled trial
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  • Retrospective observation on contribution and limitations of screening for breast cancer with mammography in Korea: detection rate of breast cancer and incidence rate of interval cancer of the breast
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  • Breast Density and Risk of Breast Cancer in Asian Women: A Meta-analysis of Observational Studies
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    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2016; 49(6): 367.     CrossRef

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