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Young Woo Lee 1 Article
A study of hypertension on medium-sized city population
Joo Young Kim, Joung Soon Kim, Young Woo Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 1979;1(1):55-67.
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This study was conducted on an apartment resident older than 15 years of age inhabiting in a medium-sized city of Korea. The objective of the study was to measure prevalence hypertension and hypertensive heart disease, and to identify contributing factors relevant to the occurrence of hypertension. The apartment selected for the study consisted of 1,200 households with 3,333 residents oder then 15 years. The socioeconomic status is rather lower than the Korean average; the apartment was built aided by the Korean Government for this people who lost their houses and shelters around the railroad station-a slum-at the explosion accident in 1977. The population composition by age and sex was not much different from the Korean average though with much higher proportion of illiterates. Blood pressure was measured twice in spaced time and information necessary to identify risk factors were collected through household interview by trained nurses. The definitions of definite and borderline hypertension were based on WHO criteria, and the criteria for hypertensive heart disease was adopted from the US National Health Survey. Seventy percent of the eligible residents were checked for blood pressure and interviewed individually. Electrocardiogram and indirect chest x-ray, however, were taken only on about 40% of the eligible. The resulted summarize as following; 1. Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures were higher among males than females with gradual increase as age advances for both sexes. 2. The prevalence of definite hypertension was 7.5% for males 8.0% for females, which also showed an increase with age;the prevalence of borderline hypertension was 16.0% for males and 7.1% for females. 3. The percent of hypertensive heart disease among the patients with definite hypertension was 35.8% for males and 41.7% for females. Among borderline hypertensive patients 5.9% only females had hypertensive heart disease. An estimated prevalence of hypertensive heart disease was 2.6% for males and 4.1% for females. 4. Relative body weight and family history of hypertension were most strongly associated with hypertension ; relative salt intake, cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking did not show definite association. 5. Among patients with definite hypertension 63.2% were diagnosed as hypertension by medical doctors of whom only 38.5% have been on treatment. Thirty nine patients out of 78 treated stayed in definite hypertension, 18 patients became borderline hypertension, and only 6 patients to the level of normotension.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health