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Hyung-gi Lee 1 Article
Research methodology in medical studies
Yoon Ok Ahn, Hyung-gi Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 1990;12(2):107-114.
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Research methodology in medical studies has seldom been touched upon in Korea. The curricula on research methodology in the postgraduate or residential training courses have been adopted by few medical schools/societies for medical science. So, actually most of the medical researchers in Korea have learned about study nethodology by themselves through doing researches. In this paper, the authors emphasize the important role of methodology itself in science advancement. The development and evolution in philosophical thinking about scientific methods e.g. deduction, induction, falsificationism, post-positivism, and activity theory were reviewed. Methodological issues in medical science must be more important and subtle than in other sciences, because the primary material of medical researches is the living human. Biostatistical techniques and probability theories should be some essential parts of the pillars in medicine. The authors suggest that Korean societies for medical science should pay attention to the research methodology itself, and have more frequent and active arguementations on research methodology which is an indispensable activities in science.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health